Am 04.12.2021 um 13:05:56 schrieb GMX-Foren Achim:
Habe ich eine Chance die Formeln aus meinen geschützen Tabellen irgendwie wieder auszulesen, die ich damals (vor gefühlt 100 Jahren) mit einem Passwort geschützt habe?
Du kannst eine BruteForceAttacke fahren. Ich habe irgendwo mal ein Makro geklaut, welches mit Passwort geschützte Dokumente immer wieder mit einem Passwort aus einem selbst generierten Pool zu öffnen. Du müsstest nur anstatt ein Dokument zu öffnen die entsprechende Funktion aufrufen, die den Schutz der Tabelle aufhebt. Das geht nicht unbedingt schnell und effizient - ist halt ein Makro - aber wenn das Passwort nicht lang ist und die verwendeten Zeichen halbwegs bekannt, kann das funktionieren. Na Warte mal... Ich hängs unten mal ran. Kann sein, dass ein paar Zeilenumbrüche reinkommen, die da nicht hingehören. Viel Erfolg! Norbert --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Andrew Pitonyak 'My Document: 'Free Info: ' 'Here is my final "brute force" code ' 'The revised code is much faster than the old while generating the passwords. 'I can now generate around 8300 passwords a second on a 3.19Ghz Pentium. 'Just comment out "LoadComponentFromURL" to see this speed. 'The real speed killer, however, is attempting to load the document from the URL. 'I can only check approximately 16.8 passwords a second. If I really need to crack 'a document, I would need to use a different method for evaluating the password for 'a match. Sub Main Dim sChars(0 To 3) As String Dim i% Dim sURL$ Dim Zeichenvorrat(0 To 3) As String For i=0 To UBound(sChars()) If (i < 26) Then sChars(i) = CHR$(97 + i) ElseIf (i < 52) Then sChars(i) = CHR$(65 + i - 26) End If 'sChars(i+26) = CHR$(97 + i) Next sURL = "file:///c:/temp/Kassenbuch (2).ods" Zeichenvorrat(0) = "lLoOeEwW2830()tTaAiImMbBcChH" ' Print sChars(0) Print Zeichenvorrat(0) ' Print CrackIt(sChars(), 1, 5, sURL) Print CrackIt(Zeichenvorrat(), 10, 10, sURL) End Sub Function CrackIt(chars() As String, nMinChars%, nMaxChars%, sURL$) As Variant Dim s$ ' Holds the password string. Dim sLB$ ' The first character. Dim i% ' General index variable. Dim nTemp% ' Temporary integer used to increment the password. Dim nLB% ' Lower bound of the character array. Dim nUB% ' Upper bound of the character array. Dim n As Long ' Total number of passwords checked. Dim tStart ' Starting ticks. Dim tEnd ' Total elapsed ticks Dim oDoc As Object ' If I leave this as an Object then it defaults to NULL Dim oArgs(1) As New Dim nCharIdx(1 To nMaxChars) As Integer REM Set the actual password just before testing oArgs(0).Name = "Password" oArgs(1).Name = "Hidden" oArgs(1).Value = True REM Some initial values nLB = LBound(chars()) nUB = UBound(chars()) sLB = chars(nLB) REM Set the initial password in s. REM nCharIdx holds the index into chars() for the corresponding character. s = "" For i=1 To nMinChars nCharIdx(i) = nLB s = s & sLB Next REM Initialize to one before the first character. REM When the previous charcter rolls into this character, REM the value will be incremented to nLB, which is the first REM character. For i=nMinChars + 1 To nMaxChars nCharIdx(i) = nLB - 1 Next REM Get ready to start! n = 0 tStart = GetSystemTicks() Do While True n = n + 1 'Print s 'if ((n MOD 50) = 0) Then Print "n = " & n & " s = " & s oArgs(0).Value = s REM If I use "_blank", then a new frame opens even if the load fails. oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sURL, "_default", 0, oArgs()) If IsNull(oDoc) Then REM The last password was NOT valid REM try a new one! For i = 1 To nMaxChars nTemp = nCharIdx(i) + 1 If nTemp <= nUB Then nCharIdx(i) = nTemp Mid(s, i, 1, chars(nTemp)) Exit For Else nCharIdx(i) = nLB Mid(s, i, 1, sLB) If i = nMaxChars Then Exit Do End If Next Else oDoc.close(True) CrackIt = s tEnd = GetSystemTicks() - tStart MsgBox "Total ticks = " & tEnd & CHR$(10) & _ "Iterations = " & n & CHR$(10) & _ "Iterations / tick = " & (n / tEnd) & CHR$(10) & _ "ticks / Iteration = " & (tEnd / n) & CHR$(10) & _ "Iterations / second = " & (n / tEnd * 1000) Exit Function End If Loop tEnd = GetSystemTicks() - tStart MsgBox "Total ticks = " & tEnd & CHR$(10) & _ "Iterations = " & n & CHR$(10) & _ "Iterations / tick = " & (n / tEnd) & CHR$(10) & _ "ticks / Iteration = " & (tEnd / n) & CHR$(10) & _ "Iterations / second = " & (n / tEnd * 1000) CrackIt = "Not Found:" & s End Function --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Liste abmelden mit E-Mail an: Probleme? Tipps zu Listenmails: Listenarchiv: Datenschutzerklärung: