Hello Mike,

sorry for the late response (lots of day-time-job ...)
according to invite user:
- I need some reproducible steps to be able to help. so I need very
detailed steps OR (if your DB is sort of test one) maybe you can run backup
and send me backup privately, so I can try using your DB

According to other users not able to connect media:
- you need to set up TURN server

According to correct set up of everything you can check
- Alvaro's guides:
- mail archives:

On Wed, 26 Oct 2022 at 21:23, Mike Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi Maxim
> Further to the message below regarding not being able to see remote users:
> the error message says 'Media service connection has failed for <user>'
> I thought this might help.
> Mike
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Re: Problems Installing OM
> Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 19:31:25 +0100
> From: Mike Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> <m...@gavrillo.co.uk>
> To: Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com> <solomax...@gmail.com>
> CC: user@openmeetings.apache.org <user@openmeetings.apache.org>
> <user@openmeetings.apache.org>
> Hi Maxim
> I have made a lot of progress!  In fact I was composing my final thank you
> email, but unfortunately I'm still encountering problems that I hope you'll
> be kind enough to help me with.
> So miracle of miracles, I managed to install OM and get to the setup menu
> by browsing <myurl>:5443/openmeetings.  That was a very exciting moment :)
> I've now registered myself as an admin and created one other user in a
> group called testers.
> There are still a number of problems though:
> 1) The user I added appears in the list of users and appears in the list
> of people in her assigned group, but when I try and invite her, she doesn't
> appear in the list of users to invite.  If I invite the group they're in
> then they get an email from me.
> 2) A remote user who logs in gets a connection but can't see me.  An error
> message appears saying that the camera failed to connect.
> Those are the two biggest problems at the moment.
> Kind regards
> Mike
> On 17/10/2022 04:13, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
> (added user@ list)
> On Sun, 16 Oct 2022 at 02:03, Mike Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi Maxim
>> I started the mini version as you suggested.  It seemed to start without
>> error.  As with the full version it ran without displaying anything at the
>> terminal.  I rebooted and tried to connect using 
>> 'https://<myurl>:5443/openmeetings'
>> but I get a 'can't connect' error message (see below), so, I'm afraid, I'm
>> once more, with gratitude, calling on your time and expertise.
> "mini" version allows you to perform customizations BUT it requires some
> additional steps
> you have to provide
> - your own DB
> - your own KMS
> - your own TURN server
> - your own DATA_DIR (for files recordings
> Regards
>> Mike
>> ps:  I've opened port 5443 as udp and tcp ports both on ufw on the VPS
>> and with the ISP.
>> On 14/10/2022 06:56, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>> On Thu, 13 Oct 2022 at 18:22, Mike Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi Maxim
>>> It works sort of.  If I enter *https://<myurl>:5443/openmeetings* in
>>> the browser, I get the user login (see below).  How can I get to the
>>> setup screen?
>> You have started "full" version of dockerized OM
>> It has everything but TURN
>> You can try to customize this version using various hacks
>> OR
>> You can use "mini" version
>> and provide your own DB/KMS/DATA_DIR
>> All credentials are here:
>> https://github.com/openmeetings/openmeetings-docker/#credentials
>> Kind regards
>>> Mike
>>> On 13/10/2022 04:32, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>>> On Thu, 13 Oct 2022 at 01:10, Mike Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> Hi Maxim
>>>> I'm making progress, but I've still got some probems.  I've just
>>>> installed the docker version of OM.  This all went very well until I tried
>>>> to run OM as per instructions on Github (
>>>> https://github.com/openmeetings/openmeetings-docker) where it says
>>>> that to run OM you should enter the following:
>>>> docker run -i --rm --network host apache/openmeetings:6.3.0
>>>> I did this and all seemed well but the program hung. This may be what's
>>>> supposed to happen, but in case it is evidence of a fault, I've included
>>>> the screenshots below.  I think they are self explanatory.
>>> Actually it might work :)
>>> Just produce NO output to the console :)
>>> I would check if Web UI is accessible :)
>>>> I've since restarted the machine and then tried to access OM from my
>>>> browser and it works! (more or less).  What appears is the login screen not
>>>> the setup screen.  How can I get to the setup screen?
>>>> Anyway I feel I'm getting close to a working version.  Very exciting.
>>>> I wouldn't have got this far without your help, so at risk of annoying you,
>>>> even more thanks than before. :)
>>>> Regards
>>>> Mike
>>>> On 11/10/2022 18:07, Mike Hart wrote:
>>>> Hi Maxim
>>>> Sorry back again.
>>>> I'm still in the process of installing the Docker version of
>>>> Openmeetings.  Meanwhile I'm still trying to get the hand installed version
>>>> going.
>>>> In the light of your remark about Apache HTTPD interfering with Tomcat
>>>> etc., I stopped HTTPD and started Tomcat, however I get a 'can't connect'
>>>> message.  I've tried three different ports but none of them connect.
>>>> I've added below the screen shots as I've progressed.  If you've any
>>>> idea what I should do next, I'd be deeply grateful to know.
>>>> I'm considering re-installing from scratch, but without Httpd.  Does
>>>> that sound sensible to you?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Mike
>>>> On 11/10/2022 11:02, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 11 Oct 2022 at 16:27, Mike Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Maxim
>>>>> Many thanks for the very helpful reply.
>>>>> I'd assumed that 'list' in user@list is a non terminal to be replaced
>>>>> by 'openmeetings.apache.org'.  I ccd user@openmeetings.apache.org
>>>>> when replying to you.  Do you literally mean 'user@list'?  I've ccd
>>>>> both addresses in this message.
>>>> I wrote "user@ list" (please NOTE the space character :)))
>>>> Mailing lists are listed at this page:
>>>> https://openmeetings.apache.org/mailing-lists.html
>>>> so "user (at) openmeetings.apache.org" is correct email :)
>>>> I'm usually write user@
>>>> Sometimes it can be users@openmeetings.a.o
>>>> :))
>>>>> Mike
>>>>> On 11/10/2022 02:50, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 at 01:24, Mike Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Maxim
>>>>>> I hope you don't mind me disturbing you again, but I'm stuck once
>>>>>> more.
>>>>> I'm here to help :)
>>>>>> I've discovered that the reason port 5443 won't work is that I have
>>>>>> to get my ISP to open the ports.  As I've got a VPS with its own 
>>>>>> firewall,
>>>>>> it hadn't occurred to me that I'd have to do this.  Anyway the port now
>>>>>> works.
>>>>>> I've set up a virtual host in Apache with DocumentRoot /opt/open630.
>>>>>> If I put an index.html file in /opt/open630 and put in 
>>>>>> https://<mysitename>:5443
>>>>>> into the browser it returns the Apache 'it Works!' page.
>>>>> This is bad idea :(
>>>>> /opt/open630 contains it's own web server (Apache Tomcat)
>>>>> which should listen on port 5443 and serve you OM pages :)
>>>>> It is impossible to have both Apache HTTPD and Apache Tomcat listen
>>>>> the same port
>>>>> please ensure who LISTEN the port 5443 using the command:
>>>>> `sudo netstat -plant|grep 5443`
>>>>> If I then enter https://<mysitename>:5443/openmeetings (as per
>>>>>> Alvaros Bustos' instructions) I get a 404 error.  I have run the
>>>>>> /etc/init.d/tomcat34 start command before trying to access the website.
>>>>> This is expected
>>>>> I guess Apache HTTPD listening at 5443 and it has no idea about OM
>>>>> ....
>>>>> I would recommend to stop Apache and check one more time :)
>>>>> I haven't tried installing the Docker image yet. I should be able to
>>>>>> try this out over next week.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>> On 05/10/2022 15:13, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>>>>>> (please don't forget to CC user@ list :)))
>>>>>> On Wed, 5 Oct 2022 at 01:06, Mike Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Maxim
>>>>>>> Again many thanks for taking the time to help me.
>>>>>>> I have looked at the logs and there are a lot of warnings but no
>>>>>>> errors.
>>>>>> good news :)
>>>>>>> I have tried various permutations on the https://localhost:5443
>>>>>>> /openmeetings command,
>>>>>> this is not command
>>>>>> this is the URL
>>>>>> can you access your Apache HTTPD at this VPS?
>>>>>> https://localhost:5443/openmeetings should work with same host
>>>>>> you can try to start with all firewalls OFF, then add security layers
>>>>>> one-by-one
>>>>>> Alternatively you can try OM-in-docker:
>>>>>> https://github.com/openmeetings/openmeetings-docker/
>>>>>>> including using the url, using the ip address and I tried running
>>>>>>> the command from and index.php file in /opt/open630 as Apache looks for 
>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>> index.<something> file.
>>>>>>> I'm currently setting up the stun server and generally implementing
>>>>>>> the instructions in Alveros Bustos' second document about turnservers.  
>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>> behind a NAT on my local machine, so my thought is that this may be a
>>>>>>> factor.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>> On 03/10/2022 06:52, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Mike,
>>>>>>> On Mon, 3 Oct 2022 at 00:16, Mike Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear Maxim
>>>>>>>> Many thanks for replying.  I thought I'd run out of options. It's
>>>>>>>> very nice of you to take the time, and it's certainly cheered me up, 
>>>>>>>> as I
>>>>>>>> now have some hope of getting OM running.
>>>>>>>>  I ran the ps command as instructed.  The results (which looks to
>>>>>>>> me as though it's working, but I have to admit, the details don't mean 
>>>>>>>> much
>>>>>>>> to me) are listed below.
>>>>>>> It seems OM is up and running
>>>>>>> Can you check is there anything suspicious (with prefix ERROR etc.)
>>>>>>> at /opt/open630/logs/openmeetings.log ?
>>>>>>> I installed apache so as to be able to remotely access the server
>>>>>>>> via a browser.  I assumed that the instructions from Alvaro Bustos 
>>>>>>>> were for
>>>>>>>> installing on a local machine.  If I put the
>>>>>>>> *https://localhost:5443/openmeetings* command in the browser
>>>>>>>> without having apache installed, it won't reach the VPS.  I think I'm 
>>>>>>>> right
>>>>>>>> in saying this.
>>>>>>> since you are running in VPS maybe you should use
>>>>>>> https://VPS_IP_OR_ADDRESS:5443/openmeetings ?
>>>>>>> Anyway I look forward to hearing from you.
>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>> Mike Hart
>>>>>>>> On 30/09/2022 16:44, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>>>>>>>> Sorry for top posting
>>>>>>>> Not sure yet why do you need Apache, it seems you are not using it
>>>>>>>> as proxy
>>>>>>>> Please check OM is running:
>>>>>>>> 'ps -ef|grep java'
>>>>>>>> from mobile (sorry for typos ;)
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2022, 00:11 Mike Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>> I'm new to OM.  It looks great and has all the features I, and I
>>>>>>>>> think anyone, could need, but I can't get it to run.
>>>>>>>>> I have a VPS running Ubuntu 22.04 with 8Gb ram and a 4 core CPU.
>>>>>>>>> From other posts, I think this should be more than adequate.
>>>>>>>>> I've followed Alveros Bustos's instructions for OM6.3.0 on Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>> 22.04.  I installed Docker and Kurento using instructions from Docker 
>>>>>>>>> as I
>>>>>>>>> couldn't get it to work from the instructions provided.
>>>>>>>>> I've also installed apache and an SSL certificate. I've also
>>>>>>>>> opened port 5443 using ufw.  All have been installed without error and
>>>>>>>>> where possible I've checked that the software is working.
>>>>>>>>> When I run the command https://<mywebsiteurl>:5443/openmeetings
>>>>>>>>> the request times out.
>>>>>>>>> I would deeply appreciate some help here.  I've spent an awfully
>>>>>>>>> long time getting this far, so far to no avail.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance to anyone who hears my pleas.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Maxim
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Maxim
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Maxim
>>>> --
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Maxim
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Maxim
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Maxim
> --
> Best regards,
> Maxim

Best regards,

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