Hi Maxim

I have made a lot of progress!  In fact I was composing my final thank you email, but unfortunately I'm still encountering problems that I hope you'll be kind enough to help me with.

So miracle of miracles, I managed to install OM and get to the setup menu by browsing <myurl>:5443/openmeetings.  That was a very exciting moment :)

I've now registered myself as an admin and created one other user in a group called testers.

There are still a number of problems though:

   1) The user I added appears in the list of users and appears in the
   list of people in her assigned group, but when I try and invite her,
   she doesn't appear in the list of users to invite.  If I invite the
   group they're in then they get an email from me.

   2) A remote user who logs in gets a connection but can't see me.  An
   error message appears saying that the camera failed to connect.

Those are the two biggest problems at the moment.

Kind regards

On 17/10/2022 04:13, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
(added user@ list)

On Sun, 16 Oct 2022 at 02:03, Mike Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:

    Hi Maxim

    I started the mini version as you suggested.  It seemed to start
    without error.  As with the full version it ran without displaying
    anything at the terminal.  I rebooted and tried to connect using
    'https://<myurl>:5443/openmeetings' but I get a 'can't connect'
    error message (see below), so, I'm afraid, I'm once more, with
    gratitude, calling on your time and expertise.

"mini" version allows you to perform customizations BUT it requires some additional steps
you have to provide
- your own DB
- your own KMS
- your own TURN server
- your own DATA_DIR (for files recordings


    ps:  I've opened port 5443 as udp and tcp ports both on ufw on the
    VPS and with the ISP.

    On 14/10/2022 06:56, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:

    On Thu, 13 Oct 2022 at 18:22, Mike Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:

        Hi Maxim

        It works sort of. If I enter
        *https://<myurl>:5443/openmeetings* in the browser, I get the
        user login (see below). How can I get to the setup screen?

    You have started "full" version of dockerized OM
    It has everything but TURN

    You can try to customize this version using various hacks
    You can use "mini" version
    and provide your own DB/KMS/DATA_DIR

    All credentials are here:

        Kind regards

        On 13/10/2022 04:32, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:

        On Thu, 13 Oct 2022 at 01:10, Mike Hart
        <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:

            Hi Maxim

            I'm making progress, but I've still got some probems. 
            I've just installed the docker version of OM.  This all
            went very well until I tried to run OM as per
            instructions on Github
            where it says that to run OM you should enter the

            |docker run -i --rm --network host
            apache/openmeetings:6.3.0 |

            |I did this and all seemed well but the program hung.
            This may be what's supposed to happen, but in case it is
            evidence of a fault, I've included the screenshots
            below.  I think they are self explanatory.|

        Actually it might work :)
        Just produce NO output to the console :)
        I would check if Web UI is accessible :)


            |I've since restarted the machine and then tried to
            access OM from my browser and it works! (more or less). 
            What appears is the login screen not the setup screen. 
            How can I get to the setup screen?

            |Anyway I feel I'm getting close to a working version. 
            Very exciting.  I wouldn't have got this far without
            your help, so at risk of annoying you, even more thanks
            than before. :)


            On 11/10/2022 18:07, Mike Hart wrote:

            Hi Maxim

            Sorry back again.

            I'm still in the process of installing the Docker
            version of Openmeetings.  Meanwhile I'm still trying to
            get the hand installed version going.

            In the light of your remark about Apache HTTPD
            interfering with Tomcat etc., I stopped HTTPD and
            started Tomcat, however I get a 'can't connect'
            message.  I've tried three different ports but none of
            them connect.

            I've added below the screen shots as I've progressed. 
            If you've any idea what I should do next, I'd be deeply
            grateful to know.

            I'm considering re-installing from scratch, but without
            Httpd. Does that sound sensible to you?


            On 11/10/2022 11:02, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:

            On Tue, 11 Oct 2022 at 16:27, Mike Hart
            <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:

                Hi Maxim

                Many thanks for the very helpful reply.

                I'd assumed that 'list' in user@list is a non
                terminal to be replaced by
                'openmeetings.apache.org'. I ccd
                user@openmeetings.apache.org when replying to you.
                Do you literally mean 'user@list'?  I've ccd both
                addresses in this message.

            I wrote "user@ list" (please NOTE the space character :)))
            Mailing lists are listed at this page:

            so "user (at) openmeetings.apache.org" is correct email :)
            I'm usually write user@
            Sometimes it can be users@openmeetings.a.o



                On 11/10/2022 02:50, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:

                On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 at 01:24, Mike Hart
                <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:

                    Dear Maxim

                    I hope you don't mind me disturbing you
                    again, but I'm stuck once more.

                I'm here to help :)

                    I've discovered that the reason port 5443
                    won't work is that I have to get my ISP to
                    open the ports.  As I've got a VPS with its
                    own firewall, it hadn't occurred to me that
                    I'd have to do this. Anyway the port now works.

                    I've set up a virtual host in Apache with
                    DocumentRoot /opt/open630. If I put an
                    index.html file in /opt/open630 and put in
                    https://<mysitename>:5443 into the browser it
                    returns the Apache 'it Works!' page.

                This is bad idea :(
                /opt/open630 contains it's own web server (Apache
                which should listen on port 5443 and serve you OM
                pages :)

                It is impossible to have both Apache HTTPD and
                Apache Tomcat listen the same port
                please ensure who LISTEN the port 5443 using the
                `sudo netstat -plant|grep 5443`

                    If I then enter
                    https://<mysitename>:5443/openmeetings (as
                    per Alvaros Bustos' instructions) I get a 404
                    error.  I have run the /etc/init.d/tomcat34
                    start command before trying to access the

                This is expected
                I guess Apache HTTPD listening at 5443 and it has
                no idea about OM ....

                I would recommend to stop Apache and check one
                more time :)

                    I haven't tried installing the Docker image
                    yet. I should be able to try this out over
                    next week.


                    On 05/10/2022 15:13, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
                    (please don't forget to CC user@ list :)))

                    On Wed, 5 Oct 2022 at 01:06, Mike Hart
                    <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:

                        Hi Maxim

                        Again many thanks for taking the time to
                        help me.

                        I have looked at the logs and there are
                        a lot of warnings but no errors.

                    good news :)

                        I have tried various permutations on the
                        https://localhost:5443 /openmeetings

                    this is not command
                    this is the URL
                    can you access your Apache HTTPD at this VPS?

                    https://localhost:5443/openmeetings should
                    work with same host

                    you can try to start with all firewalls OFF,
                    then add security layers one-by-one

                    Alternatively you can try OM-in-docker:

                        including using the url, using the ip
                        address and I tried running the command
                        from and index.php file in /opt/open630
                        as Apache looks for an index.<something>

                        I'm currently setting up the stun server
                        and generally implementing the
                        instructions in Alveros Bustos' second
                        document about turnservers. I'm behind a
                        NAT on my local machine, so my thought
                        is that this may be a factor.


                        On 03/10/2022 06:52, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
                        Hello Mike,

                        On Mon, 3 Oct 2022 at 00:16, Mike Hart
                        <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:

                            Dear Maxim

                            Many thanks for replying.  I
                            thought I'd run out of options.
                            It's very nice of you to take the
                            time, and it's certainly cheered me
                            up, as I now have some hope of
                            getting OM running.

                             I ran the ps command as
                            instructed. The results (which
                            looks to me as though it's working,
                            but I have to admit, the details
                            don't mean much to me) are listed

                        It seems OM is up and running
                        Can you check is there anything
                        suspicious (with prefix ERROR etc.) at
                        /opt/open630/logs/openmeetings.log ?

                            I installed apache so as to be able
                            to remotely access the server via a
                            browser.  I assumed that the
                            instructions from Alvaro Bustos
                            were for installing on a local
                            machine.  If I put the
                            in the browser without having
                            apache installed, it won't reach
                            the VPS.  I think I'm right in
                            saying this.

                        since you are running in VPS maybe you
                        should use

                            Anyway I look forward to hearing
                            from you.

                            Kind regards
                            Mike Hart

                            On 30/09/2022 16:44, Maxim
                            Solodovnik wrote:
                            Sorry for top posting

                            Not sure yet why do you need
                            Apache, it seems you are not using
                            it as proxy

                            Please check OM is running:
                            'ps -ef|grep java'

                            from mobile (sorry for typos ;)

                            On Fri, Sep 30, 2022, 00:11 Mike
                            Hart <m...@gavrillo.co.uk> wrote:


                                I'm new to OM.  It looks great
                                and has all the features I,
                                and I think anyone, could
                                need, but I can't get it to run.

                                I have a VPS running Ubuntu
                                22.04 with 8Gb ram and a 4
                                core CPU. From other posts, I
                                think this should be more than

                                I've followed Alveros Bustos's
                                instructions for OM6.3.0 on
                                Ubuntu 22.04. I installed
                                Docker and Kurento using
                                instructions from Docker as I
                                couldn't get it to work from
                                the instructions provided.

                                I've also installed apache and
                                an SSL certificate. I've also
                                opened port 5443 using ufw. 
                                All have been installed
                                without error and where
                                possible I've checked that the
                                software is working.

                                When I run the command
                                the request times out.

                                I would deeply appreciate some
                                help here.  I've spent an
                                awfully long time getting this
                                far, so far to no avail.

                                Thanks in advance to anyone
                                who hears my pleas.

-- Best regards,

-- Best regards,

-- Best regards,

-- Best regards,

-- Best regards,

-- Best regards,

Best regards,

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