Hello Alex,

this was implemented for M4
But wasn't backported to 4.0.x ....

On Mon, 18 May 2020 at 17:41, Ninnig, Alexander <
alexander.nin...@rechnungshof.rlp.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> Another Update:
> I also tried the AD-attribute <photo>.
> And I also used a software instead of PowerShell (CodeTwo Active Directory
> Photos 1.32 - this software also checks the imagefiles for allowed maximum
> size).
> Still - doesn't work ("Internal Error").
> By the way (this might actually be an important information):
> One DOESN'T get "Internal Error" if there is no AD-Photo provided.
> So all users with no picture stored in AD can login.
> The second I save <ldap_user_attr_picture=thumbnailPhoto> or
> <ldap_user_attr_picture=jpegPhoto> or <ldap_user_attr_picture=photo> AND
> try to login with a an LDAP-user-account, that has an image stored in AD, I
> get "Internal Error".
> I'm beginning to think, that openmeetings cannot read pictures from AD
> (octet string).
> Has anyone managed to use AD-stored-photos OR found a way to provide
> LDAP-accounts with photos?
> Best wishes,
> Alex
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Ninnig, Alexander <alexander.nin...@rechnungshof.rlp.de>
> Gesendet: Montag, 18. Mai 2020 12:03
> An: user@openmeetings.apache.org
> Betreff: AW: OM 4.0.10, AD-Pictures (or: how can I provide pictures for
> LDAP-accounts)
> Hello,
> update on my question.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> I just checked the AD-attribute <jpegPhoto>, which also can be used to
> store pictures in Active Directory (<ldap_user_attr_picture=jpegPhoto>).
> Doesn't work either ("Internal Error").
> --------------------------------------------------
> After that, I checked my picture-files (to make sure, there is nothing
> wrong with them) and I created two picturefiles "from scratch", meaning, I
> copied my picture into Windows Paint and saved it as .png and as .jpg and
> even as .bmp.
> I imported the jpg using powershell:
>         Import-Module ActiveDirectory
>         $photo = [byte[]](Get-Content C:\Thumbs\myself.jpg -Encoding byte)
>         Set-ADUser Alex -Replace @{jpegPhoto=$photo}
>         Set-ADUser Alex -Replace @{thumbnailPhoto=$photo}
> Still: "Internal Error" when trying to login.
> Then I used the png using powershell:
>         Import-Module ActiveDirectory
>         $photo = [byte[]](Get-Content C:\Thumbs\myself.png -Encoding byte)
>         Set-ADUser Alex -Replace @{jpegPhoto=$photo}
>         Set-ADUser Alex -Replace @{thumbnailPhoto=$photo}
> Still: "Internal Error" when trying to login.
> Then I used the bmp using powershell:
>         Import-Module ActiveDirectory
>         $photo = [byte[]](Get-Content C:\Thumbs\myself.png -Encoding byte)
>         Set-ADUser Alex -Replace @{jpegPhoto=$photo}
>         Set-ADUser Alex -Replace @{thumbnailPhoto=$photo} Last command led
> to an error, since <thumbnailPhoto> doens't accept bitmap.
> Still: "Internal Error" when trying to login.
> My picturefiles are 200x200 pixel and pretty small (png 64 kb, jpg 13 kb,
> bmp 118 kb).
> I could work on the picturefiles, if I knew what to change (like
> compression or dpi).
> But without any hints, it's like a needle in a haystack.
> And I don't know if the files are the problem or the AD-attribute or the
> way, the pictures are stored in AD.
> Does anyone have an idea?
> Best wishes,
> Alex
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Ninnig, Alexander <alexander.nin...@rechnungshof.rlp.de>
> Gesendet: Montag, 18. Mai 2020 10:40
> An: user@openmeetings.apache.org
> Betreff: OM 4.0.10, AD-Pictures (or: how can I provide pictures for
> LDAP-accounts)
> Hello,
> we are using OpenMeetings 4.0.10 in our productive environment.
> LDAP-Configuration (om_ldap.cfg) works fine, except for getting
> thumbnails/pictures stored in Active Directory.
> If I uncomment the line <ldap_user_attr_picture=thumbnailPhoto> and save
> the config-file, I cannot login anymore with my Active-Directory-account -
> OpenMeetings shows an internal error instead.
> The only AD-account with a picture stored is my own (so far). The
> AD-attribute ist thumbnailPhoto, so that is correct. Outlook displays my
> picture, so that works, too.
> I wouldn't really need AD-stored photos, but I would like my user-accounts
> to have pictures, so one doesn't just see a lot of
> questionmarks-profilepictures, when starting a conference without webcam.
> If I use the LDAP-connection, I can provide a picture for my account, but
> this picture is discarded the next time I log in.
> So the ldap-connection configured doesn't let me change
> openmeetings-accounts permantenly - which is logical, since they are
> ldap-accounts.
> I just need a way to provide accounts with pictures.
> I wouldn't mind configuring them manually.
> Does anyone know how to provide user-pictures for ldap-accounts?
> Have a nice day and an even better week, Alex
> PS: If this already has been discussed and there is an answer I haven't
> found by myself, I apologize. In that case, can you just send my the link
> tot he previous discussion?

Best regards,

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