
unfortunately we have only up to 10 users in one room.
We are using only for internal communication and the server is in intranet only.

We are using nearly the latest snapshot.
I have tried a machine in DMZ with coturn but running on some issues, where in 
the moment not the
time is to look in detail. In general it works, issues are from our internal 

We have a second physical machine with OM direct connected to internet, for 
some special cases with

My technical question is, if we have 50 users connected from outside and just 
one presenter is sharing his video
do we then need 50 times of the bandwidth or just one time?
I would think that it is not 1 stream but 50.

We have currently only 100Mbit/100Mbit link, but we need to keep an eye on the 
used bandwidth in the moment. So if the bandwidth needed for large meetings is 
high one of the solution is to use
a machine from a provider.


Von: []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2020 06:36
An: Openmeetings user-list <>
Betreff: Re: [DISCUSSION] next release

Yeah that would be great if we have some users that can provide some testing 
feedback with larger audiences.

We had some Universities in the past that could run some tests for us.


Sebastian Wagner
Director Arrakeen Solutions

On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 14:59, Maxim Solodovnik 
<<>> wrote:
Hello Sebastian,

On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 06:03,<> 
<<>> wrote:
How are we doing in terms of Load Testing ?

Well I see no way to test heavy load at one machine
Here are some number for KMS:

I had plans to re-implement external video functionality
this might allow as to test room load with multiple streams
but I believe this is not real-world scenario

my laptop can handle ~20-30 simultaneous tabs, not 100 ....

I don't mind so much feature completeness or 100% replicating what was in 4.x.

But I am mindful of the backlash in terms of being production ready if we have 
issues in scaling up to 100+ concurrent users.

Do we have any positive results/feedback/scenarios on that ?
Can we do anything to de-risk this and confirm we are ready for production ?

Are there any users on this list that can help us and that can run a low risk 
scenario with 100+ users in a presentation conference room ?

Peter has published numbers for 4.x
Maybe he can share numbers for 5.0 if it will be stable enough :)


Sebastian Wagner
Director Arrakeen Solutions

On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 08:55, K. Kamhamea 
<<>> wrote:
Please can someone explain?
I understand that SIP has something to do with IP telephones, but what does 
that mean to OM functionality?
Best K.

Am Mi., 13. Mai 2020 um 18:15 Uhr schrieb R. Scholz 
Hello Maxim,

at this moment two things are important for me:
- calling a room directly with room-name
- SIP-support

Best regards,


Am 13.05.2020 um 17:59 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:

On Wed, 13 May 2020 at 22:55, Rohrbach, Gerald 
<<>> wrote:

cool, you are coming forward…

SIP Next Release means 6.0.0?

This need to be discussed separately, but I would say 5.1.0 :)


Von: Maxim Solodovnik [<>]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2020 17:47
An: Openmeetings user-list 
Betreff: [DISCUSSION] next release

Hello All,

Today I've noticed we already addressed 41 issue for M5
I would like to perform next release as soon as current `master` will be even 
more stable
And release it as "5.0.0" (NOT 5.0.0-M5)

I plan to include

to upcoming release as well

there is no ETA yet due to
1) we still have reports regarding stability
2) we are waiting for Apache Wicket release

please let me know if you see other blockers :)

SIP most probably will go to the next release

Best regards,

Best regards,

Best regards,

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