Hello Maxim,

we had the Problem with customers behind a Firewall.
There, only „Standard Browsing“ on 80/443 was open. 5443 was blocked in the 
So they were not able to even get the web interface.

I started to think about this as in Home Office constellations there were less 
or no Problems.

There will be maybe a test with the same user after i switched to 443. This 
will bring the info for accessing the web interface.

UDP still will be problematic.

Maybe „Tunneling in https“ might be possible?
There‘ some products, installing a Client and they even seem to work over a 
Proxy without Firewall Problems.

To make it clear – those Solutions in my opinion are nothing else but trojan 
horses – they have the feature to tunnel but nobody knows what Information is 
going through with closed source software.

It is really a very complex problem but oaybe we can find some Options to solve 

Due to corona everybody is searching for solutions- As more often the closed 
Software with Client is working with less effort they can grab many customers.

e.g. with Microsoft Teams, skype, alfaview, NetMeeting and so on.

I’d really prefer a open source solution

Best wishes
Von: Maxim Solodovnik<mailto:solomax...@gmail.com>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2020 01:56
An: Openmeetings user-list<mailto:user@openmeetings.apache.org>
Betreff: Re: OpenMeetings <-> BigBlueButton

On Wed, 6 May 2020 at 06:54, Maxim Solodovnik 
<solomax...@gmail.com<mailto:solomax...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hello Peter,

sorry Rene :(
it is too early here, have to drink some coffee :(

On Wed, 6 May 2020 at 03:24, R. Scholz 

conferences with public authorities I had repeatedly problems to connect them.
I think its possible that the reason is a  restrictive firewall-management.

What do you mean? It is better to configure OM on port 443? Or port 80 (with a 
separate domain/subdomain)
so this people can access without problems?

It is always better to use well-known ports
But I guess your users can access Web-interface, but have issues with 
audio/video, am I right?

If so there is not much can be done :(
OM and KMS can be set-up to use port 443 (we had successful report on this)
TURN main port can be set to be 80

BUT this will not be enough due to TURN requires multiple additional UDP ports 

This need to be investigated
Better with remote access to the "trouble client" :((

Another question: Have anybody made a test with a chinese university?  Is it 
possible to connect from ther to a OM-server outside China?

We do have Chinese users in JIRA from time to time, but no reports
Chinese Great Firewall is very restrictive, some years ago it block Maven 
central repository ... :(

With best regards,


Am 05.05.2020 um 07:58 schrieb Peter-Otto Weber:
I just got in first contact with „bigbluebutton“.

It seems to be very similar to openmeetings but – as i suggested before – has a 
better implementation of video arrangement.

All videos automatically were arranged above the whitboard – i like it.

What i wonder is ,why open meetings needs to use specific https port and 
bigbluebutton does not?

The main problem is with customers having a firewall allowing only 80/443. We 
had scheduled a meeting with customers that had to be canceled due to 
networking / firewall problems.

Using 80/443 like on bigbluebutton would make everything much easier? Is this 

Best wishes


Best regards,

Best regards,

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