Well, you can see the video because video from your camera is being
displayed to you :)
WebRTC is P2P and should work without central server
BUT this automatically means you should have enough bandwidth to send your
audio/video to all parties
(outbound bandwidth is usually much smaller than inbound)

OM uses star topology, each user sends audio/video to server, all are
watching/hearing from server
This allow to have powerful server and less powerful clients
As well as allow to record sessions on the server and store all materials
on server ....

Something like this :)

On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 15:00, <df...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Docker images are only available for 64 bit systems. I do not have another
> server at
> my hoster. It is 64bit capable - but the server image was grown on a 32
> bit installation.
> As the 32 bit hardware has died 2 years ago I copied the working 32 bit
> system (which
> has tons of individual configured services) to the actual 64 bit hardware.
> And migrating
> all services from 32bit to 64 bit is a very large task...
> But why is kurento needed? I can see video image now in browser, and I can
> see vu meter
> of audio is living, too. Why video does work without kurento and audio
> not? I do not hope
> because of this om is no longer useable on 32 bit systems - I liked OM3.x
> much and it worked
> perfectly some years ago...
> Am Mittwoch, 25. März 2020, 08:46:42 CET schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
> >Maybe you can use docker? (I'm using it for development need, seems to
> work :))) )
> > Or maybe you can have KMS on the separate 64bit server in the same LAN?
> >

Maxim aka solomax

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