I'm afraid it will overlap in current implementation

On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 11:35 AM, Stefan Kühl <ste...@quatrekuehl.eu> wrote:

> For me it's ok and it doesn't matter. Most of my meetings will be audio
> only, thats why I'm looking for a method to give a mximum size of this
> video pods. ;-)
> But what about the number of participant. How will this behave if we got
> more then 20 members in the meeting. Will the video pods "fade out" on the
> right sight or will they "stack" in another line?
> Greetz Stefan
> Am 07.06.2018 05:08, schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
> Please also NOTE: video windows are placed to this tiny video area, even
> if it doesn't fit ....
> So the result might be not very accurate in case broadcasting users choose
> huge camera ....
> I can make screen-shots to demonstrate the effect ...
> On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 12:43 AM, Daniel Ascher <
> aplusad...@aplustutoring.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone. I would not have a problem with this roomtype being added to
>> the open-source version. :)  We use the name "Virtual Classroom" but maybe
>> others have a better idea for a name for the roomtype?
>> I don't like the idea of replacing the current conference roomtype. But
>> maybe that would be something to consider in the future.
>> Regarding the chat and "list of open whiteboards" tabs, maybe folks could
>> try it out as is now to see if it works or is a problem. And then if people
>> want those things changed it can be discussed later.
>> Just my thoughts on this.
>> Dan
>> On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 3:29 AM, Stefan Kühl <ste...@quatrekuehl.eu>
>> wrote:
>>> Good Idea, I agree.
>>> Maybe it would be a general replacement for the conference type?
>>> Greetz Stefan
>>> Am 06.06.2018 09:13, schrieb Peter Dähn:
>>> I think it would be good to have that additional room-type.
>>> Conference, presentation and interview are named because of its use case. 
>>> How will the new type be used? Could it called webinar?
>>> Greetings Peter
>>> Am 06.06.2018 um 09:05 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
>>> Hello Daniel, I can add your custom room to open-source version if it is
>>> OK with you :) Couple notes: 1) We need good name for this new room type 2)
>>> This custom room type has 2 additional tabs: Chat and Whiteboards. It would
>>> be impossible to have Chat, User list and Whiteboard simultaneously open
>>> ... On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 1:45 PM, Stefan Kühl <ste...@quatrekuehl.eu>
>>> wrote:
>>> Well, I think it is possible for me to create it by myself. It would be
>>> very helpful if someone can provide me the necessary changes and files
>>> which have to be updatet. Looks great for me and I think we can deal with
>>> it. Thanks Stefan Am 05.06.2018 18:14, schrieb Daniel Ascher: In our case
>>> it was a custom roomtype developed for us. I don't know if there is
>>> interest in making this a standard roomtype (in addition to the three
>>> already in existence) or if you'd have to have a developer create it for
>>> you. On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 10:34 AM, <aaron.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I was unaware that someone had created a room type for the "pods" above.
>>> Where would one find such an example, as that would fit the needs of some I
>>> know. *From:* Daniel Ascher [mailto:aplusad...@aplustutoring.com]
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:37 AM *To:* Openmeetings user-list <
>>> user@openmeetings.apache.org> *Subject:* Re: Get in challenge with the
>>> flash audio setup Hi all. I agree with everyone that there is an issue with
>>> how difficult it is for a new user to navigate the audio and video setup
>>> the first time. I believe it is best to give them a separate link to
>>> settings before their first meeting, as Maxim mentioned, such as:
>>> https://om.alteametasoft.com/openmeetings/hash?swf=settings But it
>>> would be great to have some improvements in this area if possible so it's
>>> easier to use. Also, by the way, we have a custom roomtype with space for
>>> the video pods at the top. See screenshot below. I think this is a good
>>> solution for some of you. Cheers. Dan On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 8:38 AM, Peter
>>> Dähn <da...@vcrp.de> wrote: I don't like that idea with tha additional
>>> board... in case one's szenario is with video, whiteboard and chat this
>>> will not work... maybe the idea with the video-panel.. I think we already
>>> discussed this... but I can not remember the outcome... ;-) Hotkey to
>>> minimize all videos would be good. A button somewhere would be better...
>>> something like that... Greetings Peter Am 05.06.2018 um 13:02 schrieb
>>> Stefan Kühl: Nice! But this won't help me out. I don't need the Chat area,
>>> too. All I need ist enough space for the whiteboard, also an small
>>> displays. ;-) The idea with an additional "board" as a register (you know
>>> what I mean?) seems to be a helpful solution. WDYT Am 05.06.2018 12:49,
>>> schrieb Peter Dähn: joop... ;-) let it so!!! otherwise I need to "fix" it
>>> with custom.css... ;-) Am 05.06.2018 um 12:46 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: On
>>> Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 5:44 PM, Peter Dähn <da...@vcrp.de> wrote: Hi
>>> there, by now we handle it that way: Not needed videos will be moved under
>>> the chat area... This is how "bug" can be turned into "feature" :))) We
>>> also provide a "rules"-sheet as "Welcome Page" on the whiteboard. "Click
>>> here to..." "look there to..." "wait till the sessions starts..." this
>>> works quite good... Greetings Peter Am 05.06.2018 um 12:26 schrieb Maxim
>>> Solodovnik: Special "Video" area (or multimedia area) might be good option
>>> But this will occupy all the place .... and it will be impossible to free
>>> some space only turn off Video of everyone .... On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 5:20
>>> PM, K, Amit (MIND) <ami...@mind-infotech.com> <ami...@mind-infotech.com>
>>> wrote: For space specific, I have a suggestion: We can create a parent
>>> space (Say a DIV as dialogue) and open all cameras as thumbnail in that
>>> space which can be display or hide or minimize somewhere on screen by as
>>> button click (Show/Hide user cam) as well as by using hot key.
>>> -----Original Message----- From: Maxim Solodovnik [mailto:
>>> solomax...@gmail.com <solomax...@gmail.com>] Sent: Tuesday, June 5,
>>> 2018 3:29 PM To: Openmeetings user-list <user@openmeetings.apache.org> <
>>> user@openmeetings.apache.org> Subject: Re: Get in challenge with the
>>> flash audio setup TIP: Actually you can use URL like this
>>> https://om.alteametasoft.com/openmeetings/hash?swf=settings to set up
>>> everything _before_ meeting ... Will create bullet list to organize
>>> questions :)) 1) Flash permission is required for Audio and Video only all
>>> other components were ported to HTML5 2) "Minimize by Admin" might be too
>>> powerful feature: i.e. I wouldn't like to have my table reorganized by
>>> someone else .... 3) Yep :) for those who have their headset unplugged we
>>> have SIP integration (unfortunately not very stable :(( ) 4) We are always
>>> looking for improved translations :) German one is being translated by the
>>> community, please send updated XML if you see how this can be improved :)
>>> On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 4:51 PM, Stefan Kühl <ste...@quatrekuehl.eu> <
>>> ste...@quatrekuehl.eu> wrote: Hi Maxim, ok, to get the point -> it is
>>> only the "micro on" where they need to confirm by entering the room a
>>> second time? minimize: Great Idea! Is it possible that the moderator pushes
>>> the key (or an additional command) to minimize all windows from all the
>>> participants and put them in the (let us say) lower left corner under the
>>> list of participants? To get you in line: Yesterday i've got one
>>> participants who call me by the phone, because he cannot hear anyone! After
>>> all we find out that he forgotten to plug in his headset ;-) You know what
>>> I mean. By the way -> if you need help in translation (german) in
>>> Openmeetings just give me a yell ;-) Greetz Stefan Am 05.06.2018 11:33,
>>> schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: Hello Stefan, "allow flash - choose the audio
>>> source - allow flash - save setup " Is only required once, can be improved
>>> in 5.0 .... According to minimize by default I guess this can be solved by
>>> adding additional Hot key [1
>>> <http://openmeetings.apache.org/HotKeys.html>] (minimize all) which
>>> will minimize and re-arrange all windows Current "re-arrange" hot key can
>>> restore minimized windows .... WDYT? [1] http://openmeetings.apache.
>>> org/HotKeys.html On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 4:25 PM, Stefan Kühl <
>>> ste...@quatrekuehl.eu> <ste...@quatrekuehl.eu> wrote: Hi @all,
>>> yesterday i've got the first meeting with up to 10 people and collect some
>>> kind of feedback. As I figured out, the biggest challenge was the
>>> flash-setup for the audio. Everytime a user enter the room he has to
>>> fullfil the complete setup order (allow flash - choose the audio source -
>>> allow flash - save setup and go back to room - and again choose micro and
>>> allow flash). This seems weird for those who are not familiar with IT or
>>> computers so far. Is this the only way? Additional task would be the size
>>> of the video pods (also shown in audio only). Is ist possible to resize and
>>> minimize them by default? Some of the participants are still using small
>>> displays with lower resolution (19" <- sorry, not up to me). So, if there
>>> are two ore three video pods shown up, there nothing more to see. Maybe a
>>> solution in mind? Thanks Stefan! -- WBR Maxim aka solomax
>>> ________________________________ The information contained in this
>>> electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the
>>> exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential
>>> or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you
>>> should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the
>>> sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any
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>>> recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of
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>>> www.motherson.com -- WBR Maxim aka solomax -- Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
>>> President A+ Test Prep and Tutoring "Creating Bright Futures" 505 York
>>> Road, Suite 6
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>>> 3b7e-4660-de92-5273e56d8ca2>
>>> -- Daniel Ascher, M.Ed. President A+ Test Prep and Tutoring "Creating
>>> Bright Futures" 505 York Road, Suite 6
>>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=505+York+Road,+Suite+6&entry=gmail&source=g>
>>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=505+York+Road,+Suite+6+
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>>> News and Test Prep Tips! <https://www.aplustutoring.
>>> com/educational-blog-articles-subscription> <http://aplustutoring.com>
>> --
>> Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
>> President
>> A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
>> "Creating Bright Futures"
>> 505 York Road, Suite 6
>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=505+York+Road,+Suite+6&entry=gmail&source=g>
>> Jenkintown, PA 19046
>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=505+York+Road,+Suite+6+Jenkintown,+PA+19046+Office:++215&entry=gmail&source=g>
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>> 215.886.9188
>> Direct: 267.242.9640
>> Click here to schedule a phone call with me.
>> <https://app.hubspot.com/meetings/aplusadmin/phone-call>
>> Sign Up for A+ News and Test Prep Tips!
>> <https://www.aplustutoring.com/educational-blog-articles-subscription>
>> <http://aplustutoring.com>
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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