Here a simple test from the commande line :

/usr/bin/convert -density 300 /home/6mbfile.pptx -quality 100 /home/6mbfilr.png
convert /tmp/magick-28369ZSQ7W8I01ZOR -> /tmp/magick-28369ZSQ7W8I01ZOR.pdf 
using filter : impress_pdf_Export
convert: DistributedPixelCache '' @ 
convert: cache resources exhausted `/tmp/magick-28369JcBniaEIt1BM29' @ 

So i continue to  think that the problem came from ImageMagick.

De : Maxim Solodovnik []
Envoyé : 10 mai 2018 11:37
À : Openmeetings user-list
Objet : Re: upload FILE 6mb (openmeeting 4.0.3)

Hello Martin,

can you privately share this pptx file with me? and/or create JIRA and attach 
this file to it?
I'll improve error reporting and logging, but I believe this need to be fixed 

On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 10:25 PM, Chamberland, Martin 
<<>> wrote:
Hi there,

Trying to upload a file of 6mb (.pptx) to 4.0.3 release,  sometime we receive 
error message after upload and sometime upload complete but…
When i try to drag the file to the whiteboard, we receive « Internal error- 
Return to home page ».

I’v try to upload the same file on the demo server ,

Same errors happen.


Martin C.

Maxim aka solomax

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