Hello Alok,

please do not write personal emails, subscribe to the user@ list so others
can also benefit from our discussion :)

Could you provide rule you are using so I can suggest correction?
Have you enable mod_proxy_wstunnel ?

BTW we are using Apache 2.4 on our servers

On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 1:15 PM, Alok Khode <a...@urdip.res.in> wrote:

> Dear Maxim,
> I work for IT division of an Indian Govt. R & D organization "CSIR-URDIP".
> We run a post graduation program on patent informatics and to organise web
> seminar/training, I have recently implemented Openmeetings 4.0.3 on Centos
> 6.5/httpd 2.2. Its working fine and accessible within and outside of our
> LAN using webinar.urdip.res.in:5080. I have now trying to use httpd as
> reverse proxy so that I can access without mentioninh port. My other
> intension for using reverse proxy is to restrict outside access through
> Basic AuthType. Everything works fine and login screen comes but after
> login Dashboard never displayed. However, when I mention port 5080, it
> works fine.
> I tried to follow your suggession you had given as follows "you need to
> add mod rewrite and the rule to rewrite external_protocol_host_port to
> internal one and leave URL tail unchanged". However, I am not able to write
> proper rewrite rule. Can you guide me in this.
> --
> Regards,
> Alok Khode
> Sr. Scientist
> CSIR - Unit for Research and Development of Information Products
> NCL Campus, S.No.113,114
> Pashan Road, Pune-411 008 (Maharashtra), India
> (Landmark Baner Road side gate of NCL)
> Office: +91- 020 - 69000865
> Fax No:+91- 020 - 25882838
> Mob: +91-9960268260
> website: urdip.res.in
> *IMPORTANT: The contents of this email and any attachments are
> confidential. They are  intended for the named recipient(s) only. If you
> have received this email by mistake, please notify the sender immediately
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Maxim aka solomax

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