Hi there,

You could also provide a separate link for the settings. It will be saved and used next time entering OM. We provide this Information under "Test your Equipment before using VC"... something like that


Greetings Peter

Am 07.04.2018 um 03:37 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
I can try to simplify the dialog, if you can suggest better logic for cam/mic dialog ...

WBR, Maxim
(from mobile, sorry for the typos)

On Sat, Apr 7, 2018, 03:44 David Jentz <jen...@gmail.com <mailto:jen...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    We had a similar complaint from our user base. I actually had a
    bug assigned to me ( in our separate CM tree) to streamline the
    user experience.

    I ended up writing a wrapper script to automate the chromium
    settings and flash settings per user. It also sets up the icedtea
    so with certificate and etc so that the desktop sharing tool works
    without excessive button clicks.

    Since all of this essentially autoconfigures a variety of 3rd
    party apps ( in my case, pepperflash, chromium, and icedtea ) it
    was pretty apart from the openmeetings side.

    Anyhow - thats how I coped with the issue at least.


    On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 12:20 PM, Daniel Ascher
    <mailto:aplusad...@aplustutoring.com>> wrote:

        Hi everyone. I have had several experiences recently when
        trying to use OM with new users (who haven't used the system
        before). We are using the latest version of OM.

        Users are having trouble figuring out how to turn on their
        webcam and microphone. They get frustrated and decide just
        have the meeting without the webcam and mic (using the phone).
        I'm not sure why it is so difficult for them. Here are some

        One issue is that the dropdown for selecting webcam and mic is
        not opening up as soon as they enter the room (like it did in
        previous versions). Once they do open it by using the gear
        icon they are confused. They don't understand they have to
        allow Flash, or they can find the place to allow Flash.

        And once they are done with and leave the dropdown they have
        to click on the webcam and mic icons (next to the gear icon).
        It's a lot of steps and I am finding that it's very hard for
        non-tech savvy people to get through it. Am I doing something
        wrong? How are others handling this problem?

        Thanks for your help with this.


-- Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
        A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
        "Creating Bright Futures"

        505 York Road, Suite 6
        Jenkintown, PA 19046
        Click here to schedule a phone call with me.
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