
a few weeks ago you are so friendly to told me where I can get the source-code.

After some tries I had imported it succesfully in Eclipse, edited the code and make a new jar-file.
But my "edit-and-make-jar" is a little bit complicated.

So I try to make a right-click on the top-point "openmeetimgs" in my Package-Explorer and choose "Debug as..." - and have a great questionmark in my face.
I dont know what I have to choose.

So I think about it:
- I think that my debug-environment need an underground who can interpret HTML + PHP. Maybe a XAMPP on my Exclipse-PC? - This XAMP must implement in Eclipse. And, I hope, when I start "Debug as" I can give this to a new point in the list.

I know its certainly to simple but I try little steps who I understand.

Can somobody give me a hint what I have to do? Or where I think in the wrong direction?
Is Eclipse a good choice or should I take Netbeans?

Puh! Headache.

With best regards,


Am 14.08.2017 um 05:39 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
Hello Rene,

We have moved to git:
Main repo is available here: https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/openmeetings.git <https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/openmeetings.git>
It is mirrored on github: https://github.com/apache/openmeetings/
Current stable branch is 3.3.x
On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 2:46 AM, Coscend@OM <om.insig...@coscend.com <mailto:om.insig...@coscend.com>> wrote:

    Hello Rene,

    Perhaps this vector might be useful to you:


    4.0 Git clone:

    Thank you.


    Hemant K. Sabat

    Coscend Communications Solutions

    www.Coscend.com <http://www.coscend.com/>


    *Real-time, Interactive Video Collaboration, Tele-healthcare,
    Tele-education, Telepresence Services, on the fly…*


    CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: See 'Confidentiality Notice Regarding
    E-mail Messages from Coscend Communications Solutions' posted

    *From:*Rene Scholz [mailto:rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de
    <mailto:rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de>] *Sent:* Saturday,
    August 12, 2017 2:19 PM

    *To:* user@openmeetings.apache.org
    <mailto:user@openmeetings.apache.org> *Subject:* Re: hide/disable
    user-List in room

    Hello, thank you for the link. I try to checkout it with SV in
    Eclipse - but I get an error. After that I try to import the
    unpacked zip-file in Eclipse. I see the openmeetings-structure but
    when I try to make a jar I get errors that he miss a lot of things
    (e.g. libaries). My idea is that I checkout with SVN. I hope that
    I wil have then all needed files. Best regards, Rene Am 12.08.2017
    um 21:06 schrieb Coscend@OM:

        Hello Rene,

        You can get nightly builds from here:

        Thank you.


        Hemant K. Sabat

        Coscend Communications Solutions

        www.Coscend.com <http://www.coscend.com/>


        *Real-time, Interactive Video Collaboration, Tele-healthcare,
        Tele-education, Telepresence Services, on the fly…*


        CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: See 'Confidentiality Notice Regarding
        E-mail Messages from Coscend Communications Solutions' posted

        *From:*Rene Scholz [mailto:rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de
        <mailto:rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de>] *Sent:* Saturday,
        August 12, 2017 1:54 PM *To:* user@openmeetings.apache.org
        <mailto:user@openmeetings.apache.org> *Subject:* Re:
        hide/disable user-List in room

        Hello Maxim, I try to find the svn-trunk fpr the actial
        version of openmeetings. But under
        I  only find the 3.2.1. I think I search at the wrong place.
        Can you help me to find the 3.3.0 (to checkoput in Eclipse)?
        With best regards, Rene Am 11.08.2017 um 14:50 schrieb Maxim

            Hello Rene,

            This is impossible without code modification

            The easiest way would be

            1) add css class in roomsidebar.java class for non moderator

            2) add css rule: display: none for this css selector

            WBR, Maxim (from mobile, sorry for the typos)

            On Aug 11, 2017 16:39, "René Scholz"
            <mailto:rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de>> wrote:

                Hello, I am a beginner with openmeetings and with
                great entusiasm I do my first steps. I want to hide
                the user-list for everyone (except the moderator) in
                the room. Is it possible (and I only can't see the
                setting)? Or I have to modify the source? Then I will
                deeply grateful for a hint in which file I  have to
                search the function who create the tabs. With best
                regards, Rene



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WBR Maxim aka solomax

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