Hello Rene, This is impossible without code modification The easiest way would be 1) add css class in roomsidebar.java class for non moderator 2) add css rule: display: none for this css selector
WBR, Maxim (from mobile, sorry for the typos) On Aug 11, 2017 16:39, "René Scholz" <rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de> wrote: Hello, I am a beginner with openmeetings and with great entusiasm I do my first steps. I want to hide the user-list for everyone (except the moderator) in the room. Is it possible (and I only can't see the setting)? Or I have to modify the source? Then I will deeply grateful for a hint in which file I have to search the function who create the tabs. With best regards, Rene