Dear Tech Developer,

Are you running both OM-1 and OM-2 concurrently (at same time) on the same server?

If so you will notice that while the first one gives sign-in page, the second OM-2 does not even start and gives HTTP 404.

You need two different port numbers, one for each instance of the OM application to listen to at HTTP level, as well as RTMP level. Thus, as an example, if OM-1 listens to HTTP port 5080, OM-2 could listen on 5079.
Again, if OM-1 listens to RTMP  port 1935, OM-2 could listen on 1936.

You need to modify the configuration files as mentioned in installation instructions.

For launching the recording application, you need to have supported version of Java (7 or 8 usually), then allow the download of JNLP file to complete, ensure you have the coorrect URL with port number added to your Java Control Panel Security settings and then launch the JNLP file, and agree to the security warning (risk), then RUN it.


Susheel Jalali
Coscend Communications Solutions
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On 07/22/16 10:49, Tech Developer wrote:
Hi sir,
   I have installed 2 openmmetings in server
2. <%20>

For 2nd om i am able to get recording option in webinar and conference rooms also.Screen Sharing Applet opened - Here I have no problem.

But I have an issue in Share / Record option of Webinar, Conference rooms in 1st om. I have attached log file and screen shot of this issue. Recently I changed the name of openmeetings as platform. So Application can be accessed from here

But when we click on the screenshare / record option in 1st OM it tries to open the "Openmeetings Screen Sharing Applet" using the below url

            How could i solve this issue? Please let me know

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