you are using  JRE is 1_7_11
latest version available at Oracle is 1.7.71 (or 1.7.72) can you check with

3.0.4 will be shipped with signed web start application so should work in
JDK 8 as well

On 5 November 2014 19:41, Antonio Martinez <> wrote:

> Maxim,
> We can't use version 8 of Java, the corporate software platform of our
> company, forces us to use the version 7.
> However, in a PC out our corporate net I could use OM with java version 8
> but it was inpossible recording any session, due the security configuration
> of version 8, in Java 7 we have three security levels, very high, high and
> medium, so, the only level tha let us execute the applet of recording is
> the medium level. In Java 8 security configuration there are only two
> levels, very high and high, no one of them allows us run the applet
> recording. Do you know witch is the correct configuration for Java 8.
> 2014-11-05 14:26 GMT+01:00 Maxim Solodovnik <>:
>> Can you also check with latest version:
>> ?
>> On 5 November 2014 19:23, Antonio Martinez <>
>> wrote:
>>> Maxim,
>>> Thanks, I'm going to do the cpu check and I will let you know the
>>> results, the version of the JRE is 1_7_11.
>>> Antonio
>>> 2014-11-05 14:17 GMT+01:00 Maxim Solodovnik <>:
>>>> That is really weird results :(
>>>> What version of JRE is installed on Windows7?
>>>> Can you check CPU usage on the client recording the screen?
>>>> On 5 November 2014 19:14, Antonio Martinez <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Maxim,
>>>>> Following with this issue, we have different behavior depending on the
>>>>> version of Windows used for recording, I mean, with Windows XP FPS 2,
>>>>> high quality and screen area, 1.175 width and 816  height, we have no
>>>>> gap between audio and video (one hour recording). This client have 3,5Gb
>>>>> RAM and a intel core duo 2,39 GHz.
>>>>> The same recording configuration in a client with Windows7, 8Gb  RAM
>>>>> and intel core duo 4 GHZ, we have 40 second gap between audio and
>>>>> video after one hour of recording.
>>>>> As you can see the client with Windows7 has better configuration than
>>>>> the client with Windows XP, however, the results that we get are worst.
>>>>> Do you know if there is any issue with Windows7?
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> Antonio
>>>> --
>>>> WBR
>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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