
It seems that the 5080 port is closed.

Please check.


On 17.07.2014 14:27, Huy Minh Huỳnh wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'm Huy from Vietnam (and quite a beginner to linux).
Currently, I'm in charge of deploying a webinar/live conference server, then integrate it to moodle. I have selected OpenMeetings 3 and successfully installed on Debian 7 by following the guide "Quick Installation OpenMeetings 2.x on Wheezy". <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/27838216/Quick%20Installation%20OpenMeetings%202.x%20on%20Wheezy.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1361176078000&api=v2> However after the installation, I have experienced weird situation relating to network accessing. I could access to OpenMeetings just fine if I use the web-browser of the server that contains OpenMeetings I just installed. (By open web browser on the server and surf http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/ or even whereas is IP of the server I installed OpenMeetings).

However, I could not use the outside clients to access it at all; I keep getting "Unable to connect" most of the time. Sometimes I successfully connect but a short moment afterward... I'm unable to connect again.

Has anyone experienced this situation before? Or guiding me on how to analysis and fix this weird error?

Thank in advance.

Best regards,

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