Is it video only issue?
Could you please try to enter to the room of type restricted
do not start audio/video

just type anything in the chat etc.
Would it work longer than 5 seconds?

Do you have anything in the logs? (maybe with increased log level and/or
additional ssl logging enabled?)

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 11:22 PM, John Tran <> wrote:

> Daniella
> I don't think WiFi or wired connection makes a difference.  The same for
> the browser.  I am WiFi most of the time.  When I go from 2.2 back to
> 2.1.1, from the same machine and browser, it works like a champ on non SSL
> mode, still freeze in SSL mode.  Sometime I don't see the all the
> participates in the same conference room.  It's intermittent.
> On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 8:01 AM, Daniela Kirsch 
> <>wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> we got video once from the other end for about 5 seconds. We did also
>> have that black video window, or a frozen video basically from the start.
>> The local video was always working. Not sure if the browser makes any
>> difference, but we did use Safari on Mac and Firefox on Windows 7. So it
>> wasn't really any kind of success.
>> We did install apache-openmeetings-2.2.0.r1522507-12-09-2013_0953.
>> It's setup with SSL and RTMPS.
>> On another note, we use the direct login and set up rooms with the REST
>> APIs (OM runs in an iframe in our application). Don't think it makes any
>> difference though.
>> I'm wondering, could it make any difference to the disconnects in 2.1
>> when you're on Wifi compared to wired network? We weren't able to pin point
>> what causes it, except when I let the screensaver start.
>> Thanks,
>> Daniela
>> On 2013-09-12, at 10:40 PM, John Tran wrote:
>> Daniela, you are actually getting audio/video from the other end?  I
>> still cant it on the latest 2.2 build (2.2.0-SNAPSHOT 1522507) on SSL and
>> non SSL mode and all of my build are from scratch and bare bone
>> installation of the OS and OM2.2.
>> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Daniela Kirsch <
>> > wrote:
>>> So we got around to testing this version as well. The best we got was 5
>>> seconds of video working before it froze, however it didn't crash the
>>> server...
>>> We won't try non-SSL with this version.
>>> If I understand correctly 2.2 will have the updated Red5 server or is
>>> this 2.2? Sorry a little confused as to what version it is now.
>>>  *
>>> *
>>> On 2013-09-11, at 2:51 PM, John Tran wrote:
>>> Maxim -
>>> I am not getting video/audio on SSL/RTMPS connection from the far end
>>> and vice versa.  I logged in fine and enter a room, and start a
>>> conference.  I get a black screen from far end and vice versa.  Local video
>>> is fine.  I hangs when logging out. "Loading..." in red just stays there,
>>> Will try this non SSL/RTMPS mode if it i experience these issues.
>>> -john-
>>> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Maxim Solodovnik <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> red5 server was updated in 2.2.
>>>> I need help in testing of this major change.
>>>> If this build will be considered more stable I'll update the
>>>> instructions.
>>>> I haven't checked SSL yet. Hopefully will check this week
>>>> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 12:43 AM, John Tran <>wrote:
>>>>> Oh, Ok.  "keystore" file I have, just not "keystore.screen"
>>>>> I finally got it working, or at least up and accessible via SSL web
>>>>> interface and RTMPS port listening.
>>>>> Can you clarify the below for me?
>>>>> I did not have to comment out the below on the 2.1 build/installtion
>>>>> <!--property name="rtmpConnManager" ref="rtmpConnManager" /-->
>>>>> Why now on the 2.2 build for it to work?
>>>>> Secondly, why is the jee-container-ssl.xml missing on the 2.2 build.
>>>>> The existing jee-container.xml that comes with the build not not seem work
>>>>> when you try to access the page via https.  I had to copy it
>>>>> jee-container-ssl.xml from the 2.1 build and rename to jee-container.xml 
>>>>> in
>>>>> order to access the page via https successfully.
>>>>> Thank again Maxim for your guidance.
>>>>> -john-
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 10:00 AM, Maxim Solodovnik <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> you need to create it as you have created "keystore" file (as stated
>>>>>> here:
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 11:58 PM, John Tran <>wrote:
>>>>>>> Where would I get that?  keystore.screen is no where to be found
>>>>>>> when I do a search.  I just finish a build from scratch from an svn
>>>>>>> checkout installation.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Maxim Solodovnik <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> keystore.screen is necessary for screensharing via RTMPS
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 11:09 PM, John Tran 
>>>>>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks Maxim.  My setting are identical int he config.xml except
>>>>>>>>> that values are different.
>>>>>>>>> As for the red5-core.xml setting. I did't comment out the below
>>>>>>>>> -        <property name="rtmpConnManager" ref="rtmpConnManager" />
>>>>>>>>> +        <!--property name="rtmpConnManager" ref="rtmpConnManager"
>>>>>>>>> /-->
>>>>>>>>> I left as is like I did in all of my 2.1 set up configuration.  I
>>>>>>>>> will comment out on the 2.2 build and see if it works.
>>>>>>>>> As for the ../conf directory, I don't have a keystore.screen
>>>>>>>>> file.  I just have keystore file that I created and keystore.jmx file 
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> is already there.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> WBR
>>>>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> jt
>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>> John Tran
>>>>>>> Northern California, CA
>>>>>>>      ICQ IM: 27741710
>>>>>>>     AOL IM: find1ngj0hn
>>>>>>> Yahoo! IM: findingj0hn
>>>>>>>    MSN IM:
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> WBR
>>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>>> --
>>>>> jt
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> John Tran
>>>>> Northern California, CA
>>>>>      ICQ IM: 27741710
>>>>>     AOL IM: find1ngj0hn
>>>>> Yahoo! IM: findingj0hn
>>>>>    MSN IM:
>>>> --
>>>> WBR
>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>> --
>>> jt
>>> ________________________________
>>> John Tran
>>> Northern California, CA
>>>      ICQ IM: 27741710
>>>     AOL IM: find1ngj0hn
>>> Yahoo! IM: findingj0hn
>>>    MSN IM:
>> --
>> jt
>> ________________________________
>> John Tran
>> Northern California, CA
>>      ICQ IM: 27741710
>>     AOL IM: find1ngj0hn
>> Yahoo! IM: findingj0hn
>>    MSN IM:
> --
> jt
> ________________________________
> John Tran
> Northern California, CA
>      ICQ IM: 27741710
>     AOL IM: find1ngj0hn
> Yahoo! IM: findingj0hn
>    MSN IM:

Maxim aka solomax

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