I am trying to use red5sip to connect OM to an Asterisk server and when I run it, I get this:
Starting Red5SIP SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/adm/red5sip/lib/red5-server.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/adm/red5sip/out/lib/logback-classic-jar-1.0.9.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation. SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [ch.qos.logback.classic.selector.DefaultContextSelector] 18 Jun 11:45:16 - [main]:[INFO ] o.r.c.n.r.BaseRTMPClientHandler: rtmp:// 18 Jun 11:45:16 - [NioProcessor-2]:[INFO ] o.r.s.n.r.RTMPHandshake: Processing server response for encryption 18 Jun 11:45:16 - [NioProcessor-2]:[INFO ] o.r.s.n.r.RTMPHandshake: Type 0 digest comparison success 18 Jun 11:45:16 - [NioProcessor-2]:[INFO ] o.r.s.n.r.RTMPHandshake: server response part 2 validation success, is Flash Player v9 handshake 18 Jun 11:45:17 - [NioProcessor-2]:[INFO ] o.r.c.n.r.BaseRTMPClientHandler: No service provider / method not found; to handle calls like onBWCheck, add a service provider 18 Jun 11:45:17 - [NioProcessor-2]:[INFO ] o.r.c.n.r.BaseRTMPClientHandler: No service provider / method not found; to handle calls like onBWCheck, add a service provider 18 Jun 11:45:17 - [NioProcessor-2]:[INFO ] o.r.s.n.r.RTMPControlClient: connect 18 Jun 11:45:17 - [NioProcessor-2]:[INFO ] o.r.c.n.r.BaseRTMPClientHandler: No service provider / method not found; to handle calls like onBWCheck, add a service provider 18 Jun 11:45:17 - [NioProcessor-2]:[INFO ] o.r.c.n.r.BaseRTMPClientHandler: No service provider / method not found; to handle calls like onBWCheck, add a service provider 18 Jun 11:45:17 - [NioProcessor-2]:[INFO ] o.r.c.n.r.BaseRTMPClientHandler: No service provider / method not found; to handle calls like onBWCheck, add a service provider The error looks like I forgot to configure the sip.obproxy, but I have it configured to the correct ip. When I tried to Google it, the only real results were the actual repo for the source code. Any thoughts?