Thanks Gyula for your feedback.

We were also thinking of relying on such a solution, creating a dedicated
crd/operator to manage this BlueGreenFlinkDeployment.
Good to hear that it could be incorporated later in the operator.

Will let you know once we will have something to share with you.


On Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 4:28 PM Gyula Fóra <> wrote:

> Hey!
> I don't know if anyone has implemented this or not but one way to approach
> this problem (and this may not be the right way, just an idea :) ) is to
> add a new Custom Resource type that sits on top of the FlinkDeployment /
> FlinkSessionJob resources and add a small controller for this.
> This new custom resource, BlueGreenDeployment, would be somewhat similar
> to how a Replicaset vs Pod works in Kubernetes. It would create a new
> FlinkDeployment and would delete the old one once the new reached a healthy
> running state.
> Adding a new CR allows us to not overcomplicate the existing
> resource/controller loop but simply leverage it. If you prototype something
> along these lines, please feel free to share and then we can discuss if we
> want to incorporate something like this in the operator repo in the future
> :)
> Cheers,
> Gyula
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 1:21 PM Nicolas Fraison via user <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> From it seems that
>> support for blue green deployment will not be supported or will not happen
>> soon.
>> I'd like to know if some of you have built a custom mechanism on top of
>> this operator to support the blue green deployment and if you would have
>> any advice on implementing this?
>> --
>> Nicolas Fraison (he/him)

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