Hey Tony,

Pretty much all Flink configuration is supported, including the RocksDB
state backend.

On Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 9:05 AM Tony Chen <tony.ch...@robinhood.com> wrote:

> Hi Flink Community,
> Does the flink-kubernetes-operator support RocksDB as the state backend
> for FlinkDeployment?
> We have some Flink applications that have large states, and we were able
> to deal with these large states in the past with RocksDB. If there is no
> support for RocksDB, are there any recommendations on how we can decrease
> the size of these states?
> Thanks,
> Tony
> --
> <http://www.robinhood.com/>
> Tony Chen
> Software Engineer
> Menlo Park, CA
> Don't copy, share, or use this email without permission. If you received
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