Hi Team,

We have a data pipeline which is built using Apache Beam SDK
<https://beam.apache.org/> and we use Apache Flink Runner
<https://beam.apache.org/documentation/runners/flink/> to execute Beam
pipelines. We use the local embedded execution mode of Flink for running
the pipelines.

Currently, we are running into an issue where in the batch pipeline can be
triggered multiple times and each time the pipeline is triggered the Flink
creates a miniCluster in local execution mode, runs the job and destroys
the miniCluster once the job is completed. When the batch job is triggered
multiple times we observe the application process Resident Set Size(RSS)
memory keeps increasing (approximately increases by a value set for
parameter 'taskmanager.memory.network.max') with each run and is not
released, eventually leading to crash of the docker container (container
memory is limited) in which this is deployed. However, when we checked the
JVM memory using tools like JConsole, jcmd etc does not show any increase
and is always with the Xmx value set.

We analysed the heap dump of the application but it didn't show any memory

Has anyone faced this issue? Any pointers are appreciated.


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