Hi, zhanghao Thanks for your reply, it also looks good to me.
Chen Zhanghao <zhanghao.c...@outlook.com> 于2023年8月11日周五 09:23写道: > Q1: if you use operator to submit a standalone mode job with reactive mode > enabled, KEDA should still work. > > Q2: For Flink versions, 1.17 is recommended, but 1.15 is also okay if you > backport the necessary changes listed in Autoscaler | Apache Flink > Kubernetes Operator > <https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-kubernetes-operator-docs-release-1.6/docs/custom-resource/autoscaler/>. > For Kubernetes Operator, the latest stable version is 1.5 (1.6 is close but > not officially released yet), so stay on 1.5 is fine. > > Q3: The metrics monitored (as of v1.5) are: throughput, lag, busy time. > CPU and memory is not considered. And yes, backlog-processing.lag-threshold > is related to Kafka consumer lag, when job lag time is beyond this > threashold, autoscaler will prevent any downscaling behavior. > > > Best, > Zhanghao Chen > ------------------------------ > *发件人:* Hou, Lijuan via user <user@flink.apache.org> > *发送时间:* 2023年8月9日 3:04 > *收件人:* user@flink.apache.org <user@flink.apache.org> > *主题:* Questions related to Autoscaler > > > Hi Flink team, > > > > This is Lijuan. I am working on our flink job to realize autoscaling. We > are currently using flink version of 1.16.1, and using flink operator > version of 1.5.0. I have some questions need to confirm with you. > > > > 1 - It seems for flink job using flink operator to realize autoscaling, > the only option to realize autoscaling is to enable the Autoscaler feature, > and KEDA won’t work, right? > > > > 2 - I noticed from the document that we need to upgrade to flink version > of 1.17 to use Autoscaler. But I also noticed that the updated version for > flink operator is 1.7 now. > > Shall we upgrade from 1.5.0 to 1.7 to enable Autoscaler? > > > > 3 – I have done a lot of search, and also read the Autoscaler Algorithm > page. But I am still not very sure about the list of metrics observed > automatically. > > - Will it include CPU load, memory, throughput and kafka consumer lag? > Could you please provide the whole list of monitored metrics? > > - Is this config related to kafka consumer lag? > kubernetes.operator.job.autoscaler.backlog-processing.lag-threshold Thanks > a lot for the help! Best, Lijuan > > > > > >