Hi Flink team,

This is Lijuan. I am working on our flink job to realize autoscaling. We are 
currently using flink version of 1.16.1, and using flink operator version of 
1.5.0. I have some questions need to confirm with you.

1 - It seems for flink job using flink operator to realize autoscaling, the 
only option to realize autoscaling is to enable the Autoscaler feature, and 
KEDA won’t work, right?

2 - I noticed from the document that we need to upgrade to flink version of 
1.17 to use Autoscaler. But I also noticed that the updated version for flink 
operator is 1.7 now.
Shall we upgrade from 1.5.0 to 1.7 to enable Autoscaler?

3 – I have done a lot of search, and also read the Autoscaler Algorithm page. 
But I am still not very sure about the list of metrics observed automatically.

  *   Will it include CPU load, memory, throughput and kafka consumer lag? 
Could you please provide the whole list of monitored metrics?

-          Is this config related to kafka consumer lag?
Thanks a lot for the help!


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