The class contains single test method, which runs single job (the job is quite 
complex), then waits for job being running after that waits for data being 
populated in output topic, and this doesn't happen during 5 minutes (test 
timeout). Tried under debugger, set breakpoint in Kafka record deserializer it 
is hit but very slow, roughly 3 records per 5 minute (the topic was 

No table/sql API, only stream API
From: Chesnay Schepler <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 5:20 AM
To: Alexey Trenikhun <>; David Jost <>; 
Matthias Pohl <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: Slow Tests in Flink 1.15

The test that gotten slow; how many test cases does it actually contain / how 
many jobs does it actually run?
Are these tests using the table/sql API?

On 07/09/2022 14:15, Alexey Trenikhun wrote:
We are also observing extreme slow down (5+ minutes vs 15 seconds) in 1 of 2 
integration tests . Both tests use Kafka. The slow test uses 
org.apache.flink.runtime.minicluster.TestingMiniCluster, this test tests 
complete job, which consumes and produces Kafka messages. Not affected test 
extends org.apache.flink.test.util.AbstractTestBase which uses 
MiniClusterWithClientResource, this test is simpler and only produce Kafka 

From: Matthias Pohl via user 
Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 6:36 AM
To: David Jost <><>
Subject: Re: Slow Tests in Flink 1.15

Hi David,
I guess, you're referring to [1]. But as Chesnay already pointed out in the 
previous thread: It would be helpful to get more insights into what exactly 
your tests are executing (logs, code, ...). That would help identifying the 
> Can you give us a more complete stacktrace so we can see what call in
> Flink is waiting for something?
> Does this happen to all of your tests?
> Can you provide us with an example that we can try ourselves? If not,
> can you describe the test structure (e.g., is it using a
> MiniClusterResource).



On Mon, Sep 5, 2022 at 4:59 PM David Jost 
<<>> wrote:

we were going to upgrade our application from Flink 1.14.4 to Flink 1.15.2, 
when we noticed, that all our job tests, using a MiniClusterWithClientResource, 
are multiple times slower in 1.15 than before in 1.14. I, unfortunately, have 
not found mentions in that regard in the changelog or documentation. The 
slowdown is rather extreme I hope to find a solution to this. I saw it 
mentioned once in the mailing list, but there was no (public) outcome to it.

I would appreciate any help on this. Thank you in advance.


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