Hi David,
I guess, you're referring to [1]. But as Chesnay already pointed out in the
previous thread: It would be helpful to get more insights into what exactly
your tests are executing (logs, code, ...). That would help identifying the
> Can you give us a more complete stacktrace so we can see what call in
> Flink is waiting for something?
> Does this happen to all of your tests?
> Can you provide us with an example that we can try ourselves? If not,
> can you describe the test structure (e.g., is it using a
> MiniClusterResource).


[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/yhhprwyf29kgypzzqdmjgft4qs25yyhk

On Mon, Sep 5, 2022 at 4:59 PM David Jost <david.j...@uniberg.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> we were going to upgrade our application from Flink 1.14.4 to Flink
> 1.15.2, when we noticed, that all our job tests, using a
> MiniClusterWithClientResource, are multiple times slower in 1.15 than
> before in 1.14. I, unfortunately, have not found mentions in that regard in
> the changelog or documentation. The slowdown is rather extreme I hope to
> find a solution to this. I saw it mentioned once in the mailing list, but
> there was no (public) outcome to it.
> I would appreciate any help on this. Thank you in advance.
> Best
>  David

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