We have the *kubernetes.jobmanager.cpu.limit-factor* and
*kubernetes.jobmanager.memory.limit-factor* to control the limit value.

The resources limit memory will be set to memory/cpu * limit-factor.


PACE, JAMES <jp4...@att.com> 于2022年7月28日周四 01:26写道:

> That does not seem to work.
> For instance:
>   jobManager:
>     podTemplate:
>       spec:
>         containers:
>           - resources:
>               requests:
>                 cpu: "0.5"
>                 memory: "2048m"
>               limits:
>                 cpu: "2"
>                 memory: "2048m"
> results in a pod like this:
>     Limits:
>       cpu:     1
>       memory:  1600Mi
>     Requests:
>       cpu:     1
>       memory:  1600Mi
> This appears to be overwritten by a default if cpu and memory do not
> appear in the jobManager resources.
> Jim
> *From:* Őrhidi Mátyás <matyas.orh...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 27, 2022 11:16 AM
> *To:* PACE, JAMES <jp4...@att.com>
> *Cc:* user@flink.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Flink Operator Resources Requests and Limits
> Hi James,
> Have you considered using pod templates already?
> https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-kubernetes-operator-docs-main/docs/custom-resource/pod-template/
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-kubernetes-operator-docs-main/docs/custom-resource/pod-template/__;!!BhdT!nRNxAE-RKMI_7MAPOsX8gQPmV7xrt0RNMiAe6EmsvhPc155zBt_davnc4bSmg0WzfnY1SvQSA3-42aXx-id0VQ$>
> Regards,
> Matyas
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 3:21 PM PACE, JAMES <jp4...@att.com> wrote:
> We are currently evaluating the apache flink operator (version 1.1.0) to
> replace the operator that we currently use.  Setting the memory and cpu
> resources sets both the request and the limit for the pod.  Previously, we
> were only setting request allowing pods to oversubscribe to CPU when needed
> to handle the burstiness of the traffic that we see into the jobs.
> Is there a way to set different values for cpu for resource requests and
> limits, or omit the limit specification?  If not, is this something that
> would be on the roadmap?
> Thanks.
> Jim

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