That does not seem to work. For instance: jobManager: podTemplate: spec: containers: - resources: requests: cpu: "0.5" memory: "2048m" limits: cpu: "2" memory: "2048m"
results in a pod like this: Limits: cpu: 1 memory: 1600Mi Requests: cpu: 1 memory: 1600Mi This appears to be overwritten by a default if cpu and memory do not appear in the jobManager resources. Jim From: Őrhidi Mátyás <> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 11:16 AM To: PACE, JAMES <> Cc: Subject: Re: Flink Operator Resources Requests and Limits Hi James, Have you considered using pod templates already?<;!!BhdT!nRNxAE-RKMI_7MAPOsX8gQPmV7xrt0RNMiAe6EmsvhPc155zBt_davnc4bSmg0WzfnY1SvQSA3-42aXx-id0VQ$> Regards, Matyas On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 3:21 PM PACE, JAMES <<>> wrote: We are currently evaluating the apache flink operator (version 1.1.0) to replace the operator that we currently use. Setting the memory and cpu resources sets both the request and the limit for the pod. Previously, we were only setting request allowing pods to oversubscribe to CPU when needed to handle the burstiness of the traffic that we see into the jobs. Is there a way to set different values for cpu for resource requests and limits, or omit the limit specification? If not, is this something that would be on the roadmap? Thanks. Jim