Hi Burcu,

  1.  No matter which deployment mode you are using, to submit a Job via Flink 
REST API, you'll need to firstly set the Flink REST server up, and that 
essentially means set up the Flink JM ahead of time.

  1.  For submitting job via Flink REST API, you could refer to 
 However, only savepoint-related Flink configs are supported by this API so far.
REST API | Apache 
REST API # Flink has a monitoring API that can be used to query status and 
statistics of running jobs, as well as recent completed jobs. This monitoring 
API is used by Flink’s own dashboard, but is designed to be used also by custom 
monitoring tools. The monitoring API is a REST-ful API that accepts HTTP 
requests and responds with JSON data.

I'm supposing your goal is to develop a service for other users to submit their 
jobs via RESTful API. If that's the case, you could consider developing a new 
service that submits Flink job via Flink command line interface or Flink client 
Java API and provides a RESTful API to users. You could also checkout the newly 
released Flink Kubernetes Operator (not sure if the doc is ready yet, you can 
search that in the mailing list) to see if it could be integrated it into your 

Zhanghao Chen
From: Burcu Gul POLAT EGRI <be...@sdt.com.tr>
Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 16:16
To: user@flink.apache.org <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Submit jobs via Rest API and deploy Flink on a running Kubernetes 
cluster (Native way)

Dear all,

I am trying to implement a Rest client for Flink to send jobs via Restful Flink 
services. And also I want to integrate Flink and Kubernetes natively. I have 
decided to use “Application Mode” as deployment mode according to Flink 
documentation .

I have already implemented a job and packaged it as jar. And I have tested it 
on Standalone Flink. But my aim is to move on Kubernetes and deploy my 
application in Application mode via Rest API of Flink.

I have already investigated the samples at Flink documentation - Native 
 But I cannot find a sample for executing same samples via Restful services 
(esp. how to set --target kubernetes-application/kubernetes-session or other 

In addition to samples, I checked out the Flink sources from GitHub and tried 
to find some sample implementation or get some clue.

I think the below ones are related with my case.

-          org.apache.flink.client.program.rest. RestClusterClient

-          org.apache.flink.kubernetes. KubernetesClusterDescriptorTest. 

But they are all so complicated for me to understand below points.

-          For application mode, are there any need to initialize a container 
to serve Flink Rest services before submitting job? If so, is it JobManager?

-          For application mode, how can I set the same command line parameters 
via Rest services?

-          For session mode, in command line samples, kubernetes-session.sh is 
executed before job submission to initialize a JobManager container. How sould 
I do this step via Rest client?

-          For session mode, how can I set the same command line parameters via 
Rest services? Although the command line samples send .jar job as parameter, 
should I upload jar before submitting job?

Could you please provide me some clue/sample to continue my implementation?

Best regards,


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