Dear all,

I am trying to implement a Rest client for Flink to send jobs via Restful Flink 
services. And also I want to integrate Flink and Kubernetes natively. I have 
decided to use "Application Mode" as deployment mode according to Flink 
documentation .
I have already implemented a job and packaged it as jar. And I have tested it 
on Standalone Flink. But my aim is to move on Kubernetes and deploy my 
application in Application mode via Rest API of Flink.

I have already investigated the samples at Flink documentation - Native 
 But I cannot find a sample for executing same samples via Restful services 
(esp. how to set --target kubernetes-application/kubernetes-session or other 

In addition to samples, I checked out the Flink sources from GitHub and tried 
to find some sample implementation or get some clue.
I think the below ones are related with my case.

- RestClusterClient

-          org.apache.flink.kubernetes. KubernetesClusterDescriptorTest. 

But they are all so complicated for me to understand below points.

-          For application mode, are there any need to initialize a container 
to serve Flink Rest services before submitting job? If so, is it JobManager?

-          For application mode, how can I set the same command line parameters 
via Rest services?

-          For session mode, in command line samples, is 
executed before job submission to initialize a JobManager container. How sould 
I do this step via Rest client?

-          For session mode, how can I set the same command line parameters via 
Rest services? Although the command line samples send .jar job as parameter, 
should I upload jar before submitting job?

Could you please provide me some clue/sample to continue my implementation?

Best regards,
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