Hi Marco,

The documentation kind of suggestion this is the cause:
> https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.12/dev/connectors/kafka.html
> However, I think the documentation could benefit with a few examples and
> scenarios that can ill-considered configurations.

Matthias already provided a nice explanation of the usage of Kafka
transactions in EXACTLY_ONCE mode (thanks Matthias!), so I just want to
comment on the docs: I think you are right that this gotcha could be
pointed out explicitly. In fact, it is pointed out in the 1.14 docs [1]
(last sentence of the EXACTLY_ONCE
description), so others obviously thought the same.
If you feel it should still be added to the 1.12 docs, feel free to open a
Jira ticket or even provide a PR yourself :-) [2].


[2] https://flink.apache.org/contributing/how-to-contribute.html


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