Hi all,
I recently put up a question about a deduplication query related to a join
and realised that I was probably asking the wrong question. I'm using Flink
1.15-SNAPSHOT (97ddc39945cda9bf1f52ab159852fdb606201cf2) as we're using the
RabbitMQ connector with pyflink. We won't go to prod until 1.15 is released.

I've got a materialised view based on some CDC tables, I've also run a
deduplication query on this to ensure that the primary key is unique, I
just want to join this with a table created from a dataStream and don't
care about it being deterministic or having a temporal join on a versioned
table, I just want to join with the corresponding value in the table at
that time (wall clock time).

I think I want something like a lookup join(
but where I'm joining with a dynamic deduplicated view instead of a JDBC

I tried doing a temporal join against a versioned table but the join is
always empty for some reason.
Thanks for your help.

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