Flink Version: 1.13.2

In the section on Default Triggers of Window Assigners the documentation

By specifying a trigger using trigger() you are overwriting the default
trigger of a WindowAssigner. For example, if you specify a CountTrigger for
TumblingEventTimeWindows you will no longer get window firings based on the
progress of time but only by count.

While I find the example given to be true because the CountTrigger doesn't
FIRE in OnEventTime the timers of the default trigger are still being
registered. Is that accurate? So when writing a custom trigger against the
default trigger of a window one still needs to handle those timers and
decide to fire them or not. It may be just me, but the documentation gives
the impression that nothing would happen if one specifies a custom trigger
with .trigger(...).  I'm I understanding what's going on in the code around
timers, default and custom triggers correctly? If so it seems one solution
to this would be to inherit from said WindowAssign and override the
getDefaultTrigger method.


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