Hi, I had trouble to find in the documentation of Flink/Ververica which aggregations or analytical functions are supported within such SESSION WINDOW. In particular - I would like to capture the last value of a certain field. Is it possible? I have included all the details in StackOverflow here <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68925461/how-to-get-last-value-in-a-session-window-in-flinksql> - so far without any answers. In case it's not doable, any workarounds would be appreciated.
Thanks! -- Pozdrawiam / Regards Michał Rudko Big Data Consultant | Getindata [image: Getindata] M: +48 697 712 120 E: michal.ru...@getindata.com A: Puławska 39/20, Warsaw Website <https://getindata.com/> - Blog <https://medium.com/getindata-blog> - Twitter <https://twitter.com/getindata>