Hi, I can't offer you a solution for your problem but I'd like to emphasize that connectors are most of the time put into the user jar. A connector should be a couple of MB and not cause too many issues.
On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 4:02 PM cxydevelop <cxydeve...@163.com> wrote: > For example, now I had my custom table source or sink which were builed in > a independent jar , and my main code will depend on it. But I don't want to > package custom connector jar with main code in a jar flie. In other words, > I want to get a thin jar not a fat jar. So I think I can put the custom > connector jar in *flink/lib*. before I run my job. In fact, it really > work. My jobmanager yaml like as below: ->>>>>>>> containers: ... > volumeMounts: - mountPath: /opt/flink/conf name: flink-config-volume - > mountPath: /opt/flink/lib name: volume-1618910657181 - mountPath: > /opt/flink/flink-uploadjar name: volume-1618911748381 - mountPath: > /opt/flink/plugins/oss-fs-hadoop/flink-oss-fs-hadoop-1.12.2.jar name: > volume-1618916463815 volumes: - configMap: defaultMode: 420 items: - key: > flink-conf.yaml path: flink-conf.yaml - key: log4j-console.properties path: > log4j-console.properties name: flink-config name: flink-config-volume - > hostPath: path: /data/volumes/flink/volume-for-session/cxylib-common-jar > type: '' name: volume-1618910657181 - hostPath: path: /home/uploadjar type: > '' name: volume-1618911748381 - hostPath: path: > /data/volumes/flink/volume-for-session/plugins/oss-fs-hadoop/flink-oss-fs-hadoop-1.12.2.jar > type: '' name: volume-1618916463815 ->>>>>>>> As the yaml, I have to mount > Host Machine path to container path. Now I deploy flink in k8s cluster > which has three nodes, so I have to put my all jar in three nodes.And then > If I change some codes, I also have to package and put then in three nodes. > So if flink support to config the flink to load lib in myself path, I can > use aliyun oss pv and pvc to mount oss path directly. Like my other yaml as > below: ->>>>>>>> containers: ... volumeMounts: - mountPath: /data name: > volume-trino-volume ... volumes: - name: volume-trino-volume > persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: trino-volume ... ->>>>>>>> So if flink > support to config like "flink.lib.path : /data/myself/lib", it will very > convenient. I don't know if you know what I mean. > ------------------------------ > Sent from the Apache Flink User Mailing List archive. mailing list archive > <http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/> at > Nabble.com. >