Hi, chenxuying There is currently no official support for this. What I am curious about is why you have this requirement. In theory, you can always build your own image. Best, Guowei
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 9:58 PM chenxuying <cxydeve...@163.com> wrote: > Hi all, I deployed the flink in K8S by session cluster [1] > the default plugin path is /opt/flink/plugins, > the default lib path is /opt/flink/lib, > the default usrlib path is /opt/flink/usrlib, > I wonder if it is possible for change the default path. > For example, I wish flink don't load libs from /opt/flink/lib , and my want > it to load libs files from /data/flink/lib. and I can't move > /data/flink/lib to /opt/flink/lib > So how to config the flink to load lib in myself path > > [1]: > https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.12/deployment/resource-providers/standalone/kubernetes.html#session-cluster-resource-definitions > > > > >