
On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 9:47 PM Piotr Nowojski <>

> Hi Rex,
> Sorry, I might have misled you. I think you were right in your previous
> email
> > So from the sounds of things, regardless of the consumer group's
> offsets, it will always start from a checkpoint or savepoints offsets if
> there are some (unless checkpointing offsets is turned off).
> >
> > Is this interpretation correct?
> I think this is correct. `setStartFromGroupOffsets` and other `setStart*`
> variants take effect only if there are no offsets stored in the state. I
> would suggest you try it out regardless.
> If you want to duplicate a job for some testing, each of the duplicated
> jobs will have it's own sets of offsets and they will read records
> independently, but starting from the same starting point (when the job was
> duplicated).
> Piotrek
> wt., 19 sty 2021 o 20:19 Rex Fenley <> napisał(a):
>> Thank you,
>> That's unfortunate, because I imagine we often will want to duplicate a
>> job in order to do some testing out-of-bound from the normal job while
>> slightly tweaking / tuning things. Is there any way to transfer offsets
>> between consumer groups?
>> On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 5:45 AM Piotr Nowojski <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> > I read this as, "The offsets committed to Kafka are ignored, the
>>> offsets committed within a checkpoint are used".
>>> yes, exactly
>>> > So from the sounds of things, regardless of the consumer group's
>>> offsets, it will always start from a checkpoint or savepoints offsets if
>>> there are some (unless checkpointing offsets is turned off).
>>> Yes. But, keep in mind this part:
>>> > setStartFromGroupOffsets (default behaviour): Start reading partitions
>>> from the consumer group’s ( setting in the consumer properties)
>>> committed offsets in Kafka brokers.* If offsets could not be found for
>>> a partition, the auto.offset.reset setting in the properties will be used.*
>>> As I understand it, if you are using the default
>>> `setStartFromGroupOffsets`, and you happen to change `` (which
>>> is what I believe you were asking about in the first e-mail), after
>>> changing the `` FlinkKafkaConsumer will not be able to found
>>> previously saved offsets in the Flink's state and it will start reading
>>> from completely new set of offsets. The same way as if this would be a
>>> freshly started new job without any state. Those new offsets would be as
>>> specified/defined via `auto.offset.reset`.
>>> Piotrek
>>> pon., 18 sty 2021 o 18:12 Rex Fenley <> napisał(a):
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Some parts that stick out
>>>> >The Flink Kafka Consumer allows configuring the behaviour of how
>>>> offsets are committed back to Kafka brokers. Note that the Flink Kafka
>>>> Consumer does not rely on the committed offsets for fault tolerance
>>>> guarantees. The committed offsets are only a means to expose the consumer’s
>>>> progress for monitoring purposes.
>>>> I read this as, "The offsets committed to Kafka are ignored, the
>>>> offsets committed within a checkpoint are used".
>>>> >With Flink’s checkpointing enabled, the Flink Kafka Consumer will
>>>> consume records from a topic and periodically checkpoint all its Kafka
>>>> offsets, together with the state of other operations. In case of a job
>>>> failure, Flink will restore the streaming program to the state of the
>>>> latest checkpoint and re-consume the records from Kafka, starting from the
>>>> offsets that were stored in the checkpoint.
>>>> This seems to say something similar.
>>>> So from the sounds of things, regardless of the consumer group's
>>>> offsets, it will always start from a checkpoint or savepoints offsets if
>>>> there are some (unless checkpointing offsets is turned off).
>>>> Is this interpretation correct?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 3:23 AM Piotr Nowojski <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Rex,
>>>>> I believe this section answers your question [1]
>>>>> Piotrek
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> pon., 18 sty 2021 o 09:00 赵一旦 <> napisał(a):
>>>>>> If you changed the consumer group in your new job, the group id will
>>>>>> be the new one you set.
>>>>>> The job will continue to consumer the topics from the
>>>>>> savepoint/checkpoint you specified no matter whether the group id is the
>>>>>> original one?
>>>>>> Rex Fenley <> 于2021年1月18日周一 下午12:53写道:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> When using the Kafka consumer connector, if we restore a from a
>>>>>>> checkpoint or savepoint using a differently named consumer group than 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> one we originally ran a job with will it still pick up exactly where it
>>>>>>> left off or are you locked into using the same consumer group as before?
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Rex Fenley  |  Software Engineer - Mobile and Backend
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>>>>>>> <>
>>>> --
>>>> Rex Fenley  |  Software Engineer - Mobile and Backend
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>>>> <>
>> --
>> Rex Fenley  |  Software Engineer - Mobile and Backend
>> <> |  BLOG <>
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>> <>


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