
But do you know what API is Kafka providing that Spring is using to provide
this feature?


czw., 13 sie 2020 o 17:15 Nick Bendtner <buggi...@gmail.com> napisał(a):

> Hi Piotr,
> Sorry for the late reply. So the poll does not throw an exception when a
> broker goes down. In spring they solve it by generating an event [1]
> whenever this happens and you can intercept this event,
> consumer.timeout.ms helps to some extent does help but if the source
> topic does not receive any messages for the specified value then it still
> throws an exception.
> Best,
> Nick.
> [1]
> https://docs.spring.io/spring-kafka/api/org/springframework/kafka/event/NonResponsiveConsumerEvent.html
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 1:30 PM Piotr Nowojski <pnowoj...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi Nick,
>> Could you elaborate more, what event and how would you like Flink to
>> handle? Is there some kind of Kafka's API that can be used to listen to
>> such kind of events? Becket, do you maybe know something about this?
>> As a side note Nick, can not you configure some timeouts [1] in the
>> KafkaConsumer? Like `request.timeout.ms` or `consumer.timeout.ms`? But
>> as I wrote before, that would be more a question to Kafka guys.
>> Piotrek
>> [1] http://kafka.apache.org/20/documentation/
>> śr., 5 sie 2020 o 19:58 Nick Bendtner <buggi...@gmail.com> napisał(a):
>>> +user group.
>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 12:57 PM Nick Bendtner <buggi...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Piotr but shouldn't this event be handled by the
>>>> FlinkKafkaConsumer since the poll happens inside the FlinkKafkaConsumer.
>>>> How can I catch this event in my code since I don't have control over the
>>>> poll.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Nick.
>>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 12:14 PM Piotr Nowojski <pnowoj...@apache.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Nick,
>>>>> What Aljoscha was trying to say is that Flink is not trying to do any
>>>>> magic. If `KafkaConsumer` - which is being used under the hood of
>>>>> `FlinkKafkaConsumer` connector - throws an exception, this
>>>>> exception bubbles up causing the job to failover. If the failure is 
>>>>> handled
>>>>> by the `KafkaConsumer` silently, that's what's happening. As we can in the
>>>>> TM log that you attached, the latter seems to be happening - note that the
>>>>> warning is logged by "org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient" package, so
>>>>> that's not the code we (Flink developers) control.
>>>>> If you want to change this behaviour, unless someone here on this
>>>>> mailing list just happens to know the answer, the better place to ask such
>>>>> a question on the Kafka mailing list. Maybe there is some way to configure
>>>>> this.
>>>>> And sorry I don't know much about neither the KafkaConsumer nor the
>>>>> KafkaBrokers configuration :(
>>>>> Piotrek
>>>>> wt., 4 sie 2020 o 22:04 Nick Bendtner <buggi...@gmail.com> napisał(a):
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I don't observe this behaviour though, we use flink 1.7.2 . I stopped
>>>>>> kafka and zookeeper on all broker nodes. On the flink side, I see the
>>>>>> messages in the log ( data is obfuscated) . There are no error logs. The
>>>>>> kafka consumer properties are
>>>>>> 1. "bootstrap.servers"
>>>>>> 2. "zookeeper.connect
>>>>>> 3. "auto.offset.reset"
>>>>>> 4. "group.id"
>>>>>> 5."security.protocol"
>>>>>> The flink consumer starts consuming data as soon as the kafka comes
>>>>>> back up. So I want to know in what scenario/kafka consumer config will 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> job go to failed state after a finite number of restart attempts from
>>>>>> checkpoint.
>>>>>> TM log.
>>>>>> 2020-08-04 19:50:55,539 WARN  org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient
>>>>>>                        - [Consumer clientId=consumer-5,
>>>>>> groupId=flink-AIP-QA-Audit-Consumer] Connection to node 1003 (
>>>>>> yyyrspapd036.xxx.com/ss.mm.120.124:9093) could not be established.
>>>>>> Broker may not be available.
>>>>>> 2020-08-04 19:50:55,540 WARN  org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient
>>>>>>                        - [Consumer clientId=consumer-4,
>>>>>> groupId=flink-AIP-QA-Audit-Consumer] Connection to node 1002 (
>>>>>> yyyrspapd037.xxx.com/ss.mm.120.125:9093) could not be established.
>>>>>> Broker may not be available.
>>>>>> 2020-08-04 19:50:55,791 WARN  org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient
>>>>>>                        - [Consumer clientId=consumer-4,
>>>>>> groupId=flink-AIP-QA-Audit-Consumer] Connection to node 1004 (
>>>>>> yyyrspapd035.xxx.com/ss.mm.120.123:9093) could not be established.
>>>>>> Broker may not be available.
>>>>>> 2020-08-04 19:50:55,791 WARN  org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient
>>>>>>                        - [Consumer clientId=consumer-6,
>>>>>> groupId=flink-AIP-QA-Audit-Consumer] Connection to node 1003 (
>>>>>> yyyrspapd036.xxx.com/ss.mm.120.124:9093) could not be established.
>>>>>> Broker may not be available.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 10:27 AM Aljoscha Krettek <
>>>>>> aljos...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Flink doesn't do any special failure-handling or retry logic, so
>>>>>>> it’s up
>>>>>>> to how the KafkaConsumer is configured via properties. In general
>>>>>>> Flink
>>>>>>> doesn’t try to be smart: when something fails an exception fill
>>>>>>> bubble
>>>>>>> up that will fail this execution of the job. If checkpoints are
>>>>>>> enabled
>>>>>>> this will trigger a restore, this is controlled by the restart
>>>>>>> strategy.
>>>>>>> If that eventually gives up the job fill go to “FAILED” and stop.
>>>>>>> This is the relevant section of the docs:
>>>>>>> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/dev/task_failure_recovery.html
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Aljoscha
>>>>>>> On 15.07.20 17:42, Nick Bendtner wrote:
>>>>>>> > Hi guys,
>>>>>>> > I want to know what is the default behavior of Kafka source when a
>>>>>>> kafka
>>>>>>> > cluster goes down during streaming. Will the job status go to
>>>>>>> failing or is
>>>>>>> > the exception caught and there is a back off before the source
>>>>>>> tries to
>>>>>>> > poll for more events ?
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Best,
>>>>>>> > Nick.
>>>>>>> >

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