
Flink doesn't do any special failure-handling or retry logic, so it’s up to how the KafkaConsumer is configured via properties. In general Flink doesn’t try to be smart: when something fails an exception fill bubble up that will fail this execution of the job. If checkpoints are enabled this will trigger a restore, this is controlled by the restart strategy. If that eventually gives up the job fill go to “FAILED” and stop.

This is the relevant section of the docs: https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/dev/task_failure_recovery.html


On 15.07.20 17:42, Nick Bendtner wrote:
Hi guys,
I want to know what is the default behavior of Kafka source when a kafka
cluster goes down during streaming. Will the job status go to failing or is
the exception caught and there is a back off before the source tries to
poll for more events ?


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