Seems something bad happened in the task managers and led to
heartbeat timeouts.
These TMs were not released by flink but lost connections with the master
I think you need to check the TM log to see what happens there.

Zhu Zhu

seeksst <> 于2020年4月26日周日 下午2:13写道:

> Thank you for your reply.
> I forget providing some information. I use 'run -m yarn-cluster’ to start
> my job, which means ‘run a single flink job on yarn’. after one minute, the
> job throw exception: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: The heartbeat
> of TaskManager with id container_1581388570291_0133_01_000003 timed out.
> First, the job start with two taskManager:
> org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnResourceManager - Registering TaskManager with
> ResourceID container_1581388570291_0133_01_000003 (
> org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnResourceManager - Registering TaskManager with
> ResourceID container_1581388570291_0133_01_000002 (
> Then, 003 timeout, and throw with exception:
> org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnResourceManager - The heartbeat of TaskManager
> with id container_1581388570291_0133_01_000003 timed out.
> org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnResourceManager - Closing TaskExecutor
> connection container_1581388570291_0133_01_000003 because: The heartbeat of
> TaskManager with id container_1581388570291_0133_01_000003 timed out.
> After 10 Seconds(I used fixedDelayRestart), Switch Restarting TO RUNNING.
> switched from CREATED to SCHEDULED.
> Requesting new slot [SlotRequestId{c6c137acf7ef9fd639157f0e9495fe42}] and
> profile ResourceProfile{UNKNOWN} from resource manager.
> Requesting new TaskExecutor container with resources <memory:12288,
> vCores:3>. Number pending requests 1.
> Requesting new TaskExecutor container with resources <memory:12288,
> vCores:3>. Number pending requests 2.
> The heartbeat of TaskManager with id
> container_1581388570291_0133_01_000002 timed out.
> Closing TaskExecutor connection container_1581388570291_0133_01_000002
> because: The heartbeat of TaskManager with id
> container_1581388570291_0133_01_000002 timed out.
> org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnResourceManager - Received 1 containers with 2
> pending container requests.
> org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnResourceManager - Removing container request
> Capability[<memory:12288, vCores:3>]Priority[1]. Pending container requests
> 1.
> org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnResourceManager - TaskExecutor
> container_1581388570291_0133_01_000004 will be started
> org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnResourceManager - Registering TaskManager with
> ResourceID container_1581388570291_0133_01_000004 (
> akka.remote.transport.netty.NettyTransport - Remote connection to [null]
> failed with Connection
> 33715
> org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.scheduler.NoResourceAvailableException:
> Could not allocate the required slot within slot request timeout. Please
> make sure that the cluster has enough resources.
> And it restart again. switched from SCHEDULED to CANCELING. switched from
> 10 Seconds later, switched from CREATED to SCHEDULED.
> akka.remote.transport.netty.NettyTransport - Remote connection to [null]
> failed with Connection refused:
> (
> the port 33715 is container_1581388570291_0133_01_000002, it was closed
> already.
> then
> org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.scheduler.NoResourceAvailableException:
> Could not allocate the required slot within slot request timeout. Please
> make sure that the cluster has enough resources.
> 10 seconds later, the third times restart, it only report
> NoResourceAvailableException, and nothing about 33715.
> Now, the job only have one task manager 004, but yarn resource has nothing
> left. last email has no task manager and no resource.
> I don’t know what make this happen. there is enough resource if all old
> taskmanager was released,
> sometimes the job can create one, sometimes none. this never happen on
> 1.8.2, i use same cluster and job, just different flink version.
> the job may fail and auto-recovery. but in 1.10.0, it seems yarn miss some
> taskmanager fail, and not release resource, so the new one
> can’t be created.
> What’s more should i do?
> Thanks a lot.
>  原始邮件
> *发件人:* Zhu Zhu<>
> *收件人:* seeksst<>
> *抄送:* user<>
> *发送时间:* 2020年4月26日(周日) 11:52
> *主题:* Re: Flink 1.10.0 failover
> Sorry I did not quite understand the problem.
> Do you mean a failed job does not release resources to yarn?
>  - if so, is the job in restarting process? A job in recovery will reuse
> the slots so they will not be release.
> Or a failed job cannot acquire slots when it is restarted in auto-recovery?
> - if so, normally the job should be in a loop like (restarting tasks ->
> allocating slots -> failed due to not be able to acquire enough slots ->
> restarting task -> ...). Would you check whether the job is in such a loop?
> Or the job cannot allocate enough slots even if the cluster has enough
> resource?
> Thanks,
> Zhu Zhu
> seeksst <> 于2020年4月26日周日 上午11:21写道:
>> Hi,
>>     Recently, I find a problem when job failed in 1.10.0, flink didn’t
>> release resource first.
>>      You can see I used flink on yarn, and it doesn’t allocate task
>> manager, beacause no more memory left.
>>      If i cancel the job, the cluster has more memory.
>>      In 1.8.2, the job will restart normally, is this a bug?
>>      Thanks.

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