Sorry I did not quite understand the problem. Do you mean a failed job does not release resources to yarn? - if so, is the job in restarting process? A job in recovery will reuse the slots so they will not be release. Or a failed job cannot acquire slots when it is restarted in auto-recovery? - if so, normally the job should be in a loop like (restarting tasks -> allocating slots -> failed due to not be able to acquire enough slots -> restarting task -> ...). Would you check whether the job is in such a loop? Or the job cannot allocate enough slots even if the cluster has enough resource?
Thanks, Zhu Zhu seeksst <> 于2020年4月26日周日 上午11:21写道: > Hi, > > > Recently, I find a problem when job failed in 1.10.0, flink didn’t > release resource first. > > > > You can see I used flink on yarn, and it doesn’t allocate task > manager, beacause no more memory left. > > If i cancel the job, the cluster has more memory. > > In 1.8.2, the job will restart normally, is this a bug? > > Thanks. >