Good to know! Thank you so much for all the responses again :)
From: Jark Wu <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 10:51 PM
To: godfrey he <>
Cc: Jiahui Jiang <>; user <>
Subject: Re: Setting different idleStateRetentionTime for different queries 
executed in the same TableEnvironment in Flink 1.10

Hi Jiahui,

Thanks for the inputs.
It's a very common scenario to set specific configuration on some dedicate 
operators (e.g. parallelism, join strategy).
And supporting query hints is definitely on our roadmap, but may happen in 1.12.
Support state ttl in query hints sounds reasonable to me.


On Wed, 15 Apr 2020 at 09:45, godfrey he 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Jiahui,

Thanks for your suggestions.
I think we may need more detailed explanation about the behavior change.
Regarding to "supporting query configuration using Hints", I think it's a one 
kind of approach, but we need more discussion.


Jiahui Jiang <<>> 
于2020年4月14日周二 下午7:46写道:
Yep yep :) I’m aware of the difference here for Blink and legacy Flink planner 
is only for sinks.

But since on the API level toDataStream doesn’t take in a query level config, 
so it’s easy for people to think they can’t control it on a per query basis 
without digging into the source code.

I have two questions / suggestions here:

1. Since StreamQueryConfig is deprecated and we want to consolidate config 
classes, can we maybe add an additional endpoint like .toRetractStream(Table, 
Class, minRetentionTime, maxRetentionTime)? Or at least add some Java docs so 
that I won’t worry about the behavior under the hook suddenly change?
2. What do we think about supporting query configuration using Hints to be a 
first class supported Flink feature?

Thank you so much 😊
From: godfrey he <<>>
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 3:20 AM
To: Jiahui Jiang <<>>
Cc: Jark Wu <<>>;<> 
Subject: Re: Setting different idleStateRetentionTime for different queries 
executed in the same TableEnvironment in Flink 1.10

Hi Jiahui,

I think this is the problem of multiple sinks optimization. If we optimize each 
sink eager (that means we optimize the query when we call `writeToSink` or 
`insertInto`), `TableConfig#setIdleStateRetentionTime` is functionally 
equivalent to QueryConfig.  which require we need call 
`TableConfig#setIdleStateRetentionTime` before call `writeToSink` or 
`insertInto`.  While, If we use multiple sinks optimization, It's hard to map 
the value of `TableConfig#setIdleStateRetentionTime` to each query. I think 
it's a common issue for configuring for per query on multiple sinks 

but for `toRetractStream` method, we keep eager optimization strategy. So you 
can call `TableConfig#setIdleStateRetentionTime` before `toRetractStream`.


Jiahui Jiang <<>> 
于2020年4月14日周二 下午12:15写道:
Hey Godfrey, in some of the use cases our users have, they have a couple of 
complex join queries where the key domains key evolving - we definitely want 
some sort of state retention for those queries; but there are other where the 
key domain doesn't evolve overtime, but there isn't really a guarantee on 
what's the maximum gap between 2 records of the same key to appear in the 
stream, we don't want to accidentally invalidate the state for those keys in 
these streams.

Because of queries with different requirements can both exist in the pipeline, 
I think we have to config `IDLE_STATE_RETENTION_TIME` per operator.

Just wondering, has similar requirement not come up much for SQL users before? 
(being able to set table / query configuration inside SQL queries)

We are also a little bit concerned because right now since 
'toRetractStream(Table, Class, QueryConfig)' is deprecated, relying on the fact 
that TableConfig is read during toDataStream feels like relying on an 
implementation details that just happens to work, and there is no guarantee 
that it will keep working in the future versions...

From: godfrey he <<>>
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:51 PM
To: Jiahui Jiang <<>>
Cc: Jark Wu <<>>;<> 
Subject: Re: Setting different idleStateRetentionTime for different queries 
executed in the same TableEnvironment in Flink 1.10

Hi Jiahui,

Query hint is a way for fine-grained configuration.
 just out of curiosity, is it a strong requirement
 that users need to config different IDLE_STATE_RETENTION_TIME for each 


Jiahui Jiang <<>> 
于2020年4月14日周二 上午2:07写道:
Also for some more context, we are building a framework to help users build 
their Flink pipeline with SQL. Our framework handles all the setup and 
configuration, so that users only need to write the SQL queries without having 
to have any Flink knowledge.

One issue we encountered was, for some of the streams, the key domain keeps 
evolving and we want to expire the states for older keys. But there is no easy 
ways to allow users configure their state timeout directly through SQL APIs.
Currently we are asking users to configure idleStateRetentionTime in a custom 
SQL hint, then our framework will parse it and set it up during table 
registration time.

An example query that users can be writing right now looks like,


SELECT /*+ IDLE_STATE_RETENTION_TIME(minTime ='5m', maxTime ='11m') */ *

FROM `/input1` a

INNER JOIN `/input2` b

ON a.column_name = b.column_name;

Is this something Flink SQL may want to support out of the box? (Starting from 
Calcite 1.22.0<>, it 
started to provide first class hint parsing)

From: Jiahui Jiang <<>>
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 4:30 PM
To: Jark Wu <<>>
Subject: Re: Setting different idleStateRetentionTime for different queries 
executed in the same TableEnvironment in Flink 1.10

Hey Jark, thank you so much for confirming!

Out of curiosity, even though I agree that having too many config classes are 
confusing, not knowing when the config values are used during pipeline setup is 
also pretty confusing. For example, the name of 'TableConfig' makes me feel 
it's global to the whole tableEnvironment (which is true) but is only read once 
at execution (which is not true). Can we try to surface or add some 
documentation on when are these configs are read? 😄

Thank you so much!
From: Jark Wu <<>>
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2020 8:45 AM
To: Jiahui Jiang <<>>
Subject: Re: Setting different idleStateRetentionTime for different queries 
executed in the same TableEnvironment in Flink 1.10

Yes, that's right. Set idleStateRetentionTime on TableConfig before translation 
should work.

On Sat, 11 Apr 2020 at 14:46, Jiahui Jiang 
<<>> wrote:
Thank you for answering! I was reading 
StreamExecutionEnvironmentImpl/StreamPlanner, and it seems to me that when 
trying to convert tables to DataStreams, planner.translate is taking the 
current tableConfig into account (aa in it reads the current tableConfig 
content even though it’s not explicitly passed in as an argument for 
translate). So seems like if I set tableConfig right before converting to 
DataStreams that should work?

Or did you mean the actual tableEnvironment.execute()? Since we have a whole 
pipeline with multiple queries that also depends on each other. We have to have 
all the continuous queries executing concurrently.

Thanks again!
From: Jark Wu <<>>
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2020 1:24 AM
To: Jiahui Jiang <<>>
Subject: Re: Setting different idleStateRetentionTime for different queries 
executed in the same TableEnvironment in Flink 1.10

Hi Jiahui,

QueryConfig is deprecated and will be removed in the future, because it is 
confusing that TableAPI has so many different config classes.
If you want to set different idleStateRetentionTime for different queries, you 
can set a new idleStateRetentionTime on TableConfig before execute/submit the 


On Sat, 11 Apr 2020 at 09:21, Jiahui Jiang 
<<>> wrote:
Just looked into the source code a bit further and realized that for 
StreamTableEnvironmentImpl, even for sinks it's also doing translation lazily. 
Any way we can have different transformation to have different queryConfig?
From: Jiahui Jiang <<>>
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2020 6:46 PM
Subject: Setting different idleStateRetentionTime for different queries 
executed in the same TableEnvironment in Flink 1.10

Hello! I'm using Table API to write a pipeline with multiple queries. And I 
want to set up different idleStateRetentionTime for different queries.

In Flink 1.8, it seems to be the case where I can pass in a streamQueryConfig 
when converting each output table into datastreams. And the translate with take 
the idleStateRetentionTime into account.

But in Flink 1.10, that idleStateRetentionTime actually gets set on TableConfig 
and applies to the tableEnvironment.

Is there a way to have different idleStateRetentionTime for different queries 
in 1.10?

I saw tableEnvironment.insertInto(sink, queryConfig) still allows eager 
translate. But does that mean if I have multiple sinks for the same datastream 
with different idleStateRetentionTime(s) configuration, that will cause the 
transformation to be executed multiple times?

Thank you!

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