
I have a generic ProcessFunction using list state, for which I receive the
type information as constructor parameter (since it is not possible to
create the type information in the class due to type Erasure).

I now need to keep not only the data, but also the timestamp at which they
appear. But I don't find a way to create a list state of Tuple2<long, T>
(where T is the generic type, for which I receive the type information as

I would like to create that state descriptor getting only those
informations (in order to keep the interface of the class simple.

Right now I manage by creating 2 state: one for T and one for Long.

But I wonder if I could create that composite state,. For exemple n'y
composing the type informations, but I didn't find a way to do that.

Any other idea is also welcome.

Thanks in advance.



♻ Be green, keep it on the screen

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