
>  Is there a simple way to get profiling information in Flink?

Flink doesn’t provide any special tooling for that. Just use your chosen 
profiler, for example: Oracle’s Mission Control (free on non production 
clusters, no need to install anything if already using Oracle’s JVM), VisualVM 
(I think free), YourKit (paid). For each one of them there is a plenty of 
online support how to use them both for local and remote profiling.


> On 31 Oct 2019, at 14:05, Habib Mostafaei <ha...@inet.tu-berlin.de> wrote:
> I enclosed all logs from the run and for this run I used parallelism one. 
> However, for other runs I checked and found that all parallel workers were 
> working properly. Is there a simple way to get profiling information in Flink?
> Best,
> Habib
> On 10/31/2019 2:54 AM, Zhenghua Gao wrote:
>> I think more runtime information would help figure out where the problem is.
>> 1) how many parallelisms actually working
>> 2) the metrics for each operator
>> 3) the jvm profiling information, etc
>> Best Regards,
>> Zhenghua Gao
>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 8:25 PM Habib Mostafaei <ha...@inet.tu-berlin.de 
>> <mailto:ha...@inet.tu-berlin.de>> wrote:
>> Thanks Gao for the reply. I used the parallelism parameter with different 
>> values like 6 and 8 but still the execution time is not comparable with a 
>> single threaded python script. What would be the reasonable value for the 
>> parallelism?
>> Best,
>> Habib
>> On 10/30/2019 1:17 PM, Zhenghua Gao wrote:
>>> The reason might be the parallelism of your task is only 1, that's too low.
>>> See [1] to specify proper parallelism  for your job, and the execution time 
>>> should be reduced significantly.
>>> [1] 
>>> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/dev/parallel.html 
>>> <https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/dev/parallel.html>
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Zhenghua Gao
>>> On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 9:27 PM Habib Mostafaei <ha...@inet.tu-berlin.de 
>>> <mailto:ha...@inet.tu-berlin.de>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am running Flink on a standalone cluster and getting very long 
>>> execution time for the streaming queries like WordCount for a fixed text 
>>> file. My VM runs on a Debian 10 with 16 cpu cores and 32GB of RAM. I 
>>> have a text file with size of 2GB. When I run the Flink on a standalone 
>>> cluster, i.e., one JobManager and one taskManager with 25GB of heapsize, 
>>> it took around two hours to finish counting this file while a simple 
>>> python script can do it in around 7 minutes. Just wondering what is 
>>> wrong with my setup. I ran the experiments on a cluster with six 
>>> taskManagers, but I still get very long execution time like 25 minutes 
>>> or so. I tried to increase the JVM heap size to have lower execution 
>>> time but it did not help. I attached the log file and the Flink 
>>> configuration file to this email.
>>> Best,
>>> Habib
> <flink-xxx-client-xxx.log><flink-xxx-standalonesession-0-xxx.log><flink-xxx-taskexecutor-0-xxx.log>

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