In other words, you need a way to partition the stream such that a
series of items followed by a barrier are never interrupted.
I'm wondering whether you could just apply DataStream#partitionCustom to
your source:
public static class BarrierPartitionerimplements Partitioner<DataItem> {
private int currentPartition =0; @Override public int partition(DataItem
key, int numPartitions) {
if (keyinstanceof Barrier) {
int partitionToReturn =currentPartition; currentPartition =
(currentPartition +1) % numPartitions; return partitionToReturn; }else {
return currentPartition; }
DataStream<DataItem> stream = ...; DataStream<DataItem> partitionedStream =
stream.partitionCustom(new BarrierPartitioner(), item -> item);
On 08/10/2019 14:55, Filip Niksic wrote:
Hi Yun,
The behavior with increased parallelism should be the same as with no
parallelism. In other words, for the input from the previous email,
the output should always be 1, 3, regardless of parallelism.
Operationally, the partial sums maintained in each subtask should
somehow be aggregated before they are output.
To answer the second question, I know that watermarks provide the same
functionality. Is there some way to convert the input with explicit
punctuation into one with watermarks? I see there is an interface
called AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks, maybe that's the solution.
But I'm not sure how this assigner would be used. For example, it
could maintain the number of previously seen Barriers and assign this
number as a watermark to each Value, but then this number becomes the
state that needs to be shared between multiple substreams. Or perhaps
the Barriers can somehow be duplicated and sent to each substream?
Alternatively, is there some notion of event-based windows that would
be triggered by specific user-defined elements in the stream? In such
mechanism perhaps the watermarks would be used internally, but they
would not be explicitly exposed to the user?
Best regards,
On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 2:19 AM Yun Gao <
<>> wrote:
Hi Filip,
I have one question on the problem: what is the expected
behavior when the parallelism of the FlatMapFunction is increased
to more than 1? Should each subtask maintains the partial sum of
all values received, and whenever the barrier is received, then it
just outputs the partial sum of the received value ?
Another question is that I think in Flink the watermark
mechanism has provided the functionality similar to punctuation,
therefore is it possible to implement the same logic with the
Flink Window directly?
From:Filip Niksic <
Send Time:2019 Oct. 8 (Tue.) 08:56
To:user < <>>
Subject:[QUESTION] How to parallelize with explicit
punctuation in Flink?
Hi all,
What would be a natural way to implement a parallel version of
the following Flink program?
Suppose I have a stream of items of type DataItem with two
concrete implementations of DataItem: Value and Barrier. Let’s
say that Value holds an integer value, and Barrier acts as
explicit punctuation.
public interface DataItem {}
public class Value implements DataItem {
private final int val;
public Value(int val) { this.val = val; }
public int getVal() { return val; }
public class Barrier implements DataItem {}
The program should maintain a sum of values seen since the
beginning of the stream. On each Barrier, the program should
output the sum seen so far.
An obvious way to implement this would be with a
FlatMapFunction, maintaining the sum as state and emitting it
on each Barrier.
StreamExecutionEnvironment env =
DataStream<DataItem> stream = env.fromElements(DataItem.class,
new Value(1), new Barrier(), new Value(3), new Value(-1), new
stream.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<DataItem, Integer>() {
private int sum = 0;
public void flatMap(DataItem dataItem, Collector<Integer>
collector) throws Exception {
if (dataItem instanceof Value) {
sum += ((Value) dataItem).getVal();
} else {
// We should see 1 followed by 3 as output
However, such an operator cannot be parallelized, since the
order of Values and Barriers matters. That’s why I need to set
parallelism to 1 above. Is there a way to rewrite this to
exploit parallelism?
(Another reason to set parallelism to 1 above is that I’m
assuming there is a single instance of the FlatMapFunction. A
proper implementation would take more care in using state.
Feel free to comment on that as well.)
Best regards,