Dear community,

happy to share this week's community update including Flink 1.9.1,
unaligned checkpoints, a new type inference system for UDFs in the Table
API and a bit more. Enjoy.

Flink Development

* [releases] The vote for *Flink 1.9.1 RC1* has timed out without a vote. I
guess, Flink Forward Europe preparations in combination with Chinese
national holiday... [1]

* [runtime] Arvid has published a FLIP to support *unaligned checkpoints*.
Unaligned checkpoints could significantly reduce & stabilize checkpointing
times in high backpressure and high load scenarios and result in lower
latencies under checkpointing in general. [2]

* [runtime] Piotr has started a *survey *on dropping the *"non credit-based
flow control"-mode* in Flink's network stack. No replies so far. So, if you
are relying on it, now would be the time to raise your hand. [3]

* [logging] Gyula has started a discussion on adding *contextual
information* (taskmanager, container, job id) to *Flink's logs* and is
looking for feedback. [4]

* [sql] Timo has published FLIP-65, which proposes a *new type inference
mechanism for Table API* user-defined functions. It is based on three
levels of abstraction: automatic type inference, type hints via annotations
and manual declaration. [5]

* [code-style] Zili proposes to drop "final" from method parameters under
the assumption that all method parameters should be final anyway.
Discussion ongoing. [6]


Notable Bugs

Not a lot of action here, only 12 bug tickets updated this week.

* [FLINK-14315] [1.9.0] [1.8.3] A race condition in the JobManager
(JobMaster) can result in a NPE during Flink master failover. [7]


Events, Blog Posts, Misc

* *Parag Kesar* & *Ben Liu* of Pinterest have published a blog post on
their Flink-based real-time experimentation platform. [8]

* *Oran Hirsch* of DynamicYield describes their data architecture including
Apache Flink for stream processing in this recently published blogpost. [9]

* There will be full-day meetup with six talks in the Bangalore Kafka Group
on the 2nd of November including at least three Flink talks by *Timo Walter*
(Ververica), *Shashank Agarwal* (Razorpay) and *Rasyid Hakim* (GoJek). [10]

* *Flink Forward Europe *starts tomorrow in Berlin. Hope to see your there.



Konstantin (@snntrable)


Konstantin Knauf | Solutions Architect

+49 160 91394525

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Stream Processing | Event Driven | Real Time


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Managing Directors: Timothy Alexander Steinert, Yip Park Tung Jason, Ji
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