I have 2 hadoop cluster (hdfs://mycluster1 and hdfs://mycluster2),both of them configured the HA, I have a job ,read from streaming data from kafka, and write it to hdfs by StreamingFileSink,now I deployed my job on mycluster1 (flink on yarn),and I want to write the data to mycluster2 , how did I add the configure ? If I write hdfs://mycluster2/tmp/abc on the path of the StreamingFileSink directly, it will report that mycluster2 could not be found. I look at the source code of org.apache.flink.runtime.fs.hdfs.HadoopFsFactory#create. When flink loads core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml, it is first loaded from hadoopConfig, then flinkConfig, and finally from classpath. I see flinkConfig does not seem to be empty, and the code is loaded by flinkConfig, finally loaded from HADOOP_HOME, so the core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml of mycluster1 cluster will not contain the information of mycluster2. Cause mycluster2 not found. thanks