Thank you all for you answers.

It's ok with BatchTableSource<Row>

All the best


2018-08-26 17:40 GMT+02:00 Rong Rong <>:

> Yes you should be able to use Row instead of Tuple in your
> BatchTableSink<T>.
> There's sections in Flink documentation regarding mapping of data types to
> table schemas [1]. and table can be converted into various typed DataStream
> [2] as well. Hope these are helpful.
> Thanks,
> Rong
> [1]
> release-1.6/dev/table/common.html#mapping-of-data-types-to-table-schema
> [2]
> release-1.6/dev/table/common.html#convert-a-table-into-a-
> datastream-or-dataset
> On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 8:04 AM françois lacombe <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Timo,
>> Thanks for your answer
>> I was looking for a Tuple as to feed a BatchTableSink<T> subclass, but it
>> may be achived with a Row instead?
>> All the best
>> François
>> 2018-08-24 10:21 GMT+02:00 Timo Walther <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> tuples are just a sub category of rows. Because the tuple arity is
>>> limited to 25 fields. I think the easiest solution would be to write your
>>> own converter that maps rows to tuples if you know that you will not need
>>> more than 25 fields. Otherwise it might be easier to just use a
>>> TextInputFormat and do the parsing yourself with a library.
>>> Regards,
>>> Timo
>>> Am 23.08.18 um 18:54 schrieb françois lacombe:
>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm looking for best practices regarding Tuple<T> instances creation.
>>>> I have a TypeInformation object produced by AvroSchemaConverter.
>>>> convertToTypeInfo("{...}");
>>>> Is this possible to define a corresponding Tuple<T> instance with it?
>>>> (get the T from the TypeInformation)
>>>> Example :
>>>> {
>>>>   "type": "record",
>>>>   "fields": [
>>>>     { "name": "field1", "type": "int" },
>>>>     { "name": "field2", "type": "string"}
>>>> ]}
>>>>  = Tuple2<Int,String>
>>>> The same question rises with DataSet or other any record handling class
>>>> with parametrized types.
>>>> My goal is to parse several CsvFiles with different structures
>>>> described in an Avro schema.
>>>> It would be great to not hard-code structures in my Java code and only
>>>> get types information at runtime from Avro schemas
>>>> Is this possible?
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> François Lacombe

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