Following the sample on the flink website[1] to test jdbc I encountered an error "Couldn't access resultSet". It looks like the nextRecord is called before open() function. However I've called open() when I construct jdbc input format. Any functions I should call before job submission?
def jdbc()= { val jdbcif = JDBCInputFormat.buildJDBCInputFormat.setDrivername("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").setDBUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost/test").setQuery("select name from department").setUsername(...).setPassword(...).finish jdbcif.asInstanceOf[JDBCInputFormat[Tuple1[String]]] } def main(args: Array[String]) { val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment // -> import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment val evidence$6 = new TupleTypeInfo(classOf[Tuple1[String]], STRING_TYPE_INFO) val stream = env.createInput(jdbc(), evidence$6) ( new MapFunction[Tuple1[String], String]() { override def map(tuple: Tuple1[String]): String = tuple.getField(0) }).returns(classOf[String]).writeAsText("/path/to/jdbc") env.execute("test-flink") } The version used in this test is flink 1.0.3 and scala 2.11. [1].