compiling the code: def minimize(f:DF, init:T):T = { //create execution environment val env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment valinitialstate =initialState(f, init) val iterativestate= env.fromElements(initialstate).iterate(10000) { iterationInput: DataSet[State] => val result = iterationInput.map { oldstate => computeNextState(adjustedFun, oldstate) } result } } objectIterationsFirstOrderMinimizer { case class State[+T,+ConvergenceInfo,+History] (x:T, value: Double, grad:T, adjustedValue: Double, adjustedGradient:T, iter: Int, initialAdjVal: Double, history:History, convergenceInfo:ConvergenceInfo, searchFailed: Boolean =false) { } ... fails with the error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation[IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer.this.State] val iterativestate= env.fromElements(initialState(f, init)).iterate(10000) { ^ Google only told me toimport org.apache.flink.api.scala._ which i do. The other suggested solution for generic methods (https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/internals/types_serialization.html) does also not apply because it's the fromElements call that produces the error. I am very new to Flink and Scala and because I don't know if the code I posted above is enough to say what I'm doing wrong, you can find the complete scala file attached. Thanks in advance for any ideas and hints. Best, Dan --- Diese E-Mail wurde von Avast Antivirus-Software auf Viren geprüft. https://www.avast.com/antivirus
package breeze.optimize import breeze.linalg.norm import breeze.math.{MutableEnumeratedCoordinateField, MutableFiniteCoordinateField, NormedModule} import breeze.optimize.IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer.ConvergenceReason import breeze.stats.distributions.{RandBasis, ThreadLocalRandomGenerator} import breeze.util.Implicits._ import breeze.util.SerializableLogging import org.apache.commons.math3.random.MersenneTwister import IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer.ConvergenceCheck import org.apache.flink.api.common.ExecutionConfig import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer import org.apache.flink.api.scala.DataSet import org.apache.flink.api.scala.ExecutionEnvironment import scala.reflect._ import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.MapFunction import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.ReduceFunction import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.RichMapFunction import org.apache.flink.api.scala._ /** * * @author */ abstract class IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer[T, DF<:StochasticDiffFunction[T]](val convergenceCheck: ConvergenceCheck[T]) (implicit space: NormedModule[T, Double]) extends Minimizer[T,DF] with SerializableLogging { def this(maxIter: Int = -1, tolerance: Double = 1E-6, fvalMemory: Int = 100, relativeTolerance: Boolean = true)(implicit space: NormedModule[T, Double]) = this(IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer.defaultConvergenceCheck[T](maxIter, tolerance, relativeTolerance, fvalMemory)) /** * Any history the derived minimization function needs to do its updates. typically an approximation * to the second derivative/hessian matrix. */ type History type State = IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer.State[T, convergenceCheck.Info, History] import space.normImpl protected def initialHistory(f: DF, init: T): History protected def adjustFunction(f: DF): DF = f protected def adjust(newX: T, newGrad: T, newVal: Double):(Double,T) = (newVal,newGrad) protected def chooseDescentDirection(state: State, f: DF):T protected def determineStepSize(state: State, f: DF, direction: T):Double protected def takeStep(state: State, dir: T, stepSize:Double):T protected def updateHistory(newX: T, newGrad: T, newVal: Double, f: DF, oldState: State):History protected def initialState(f: DF, init: T): State = { val x = init val history = initialHistory(f,init) val (value, grad) = calculateObjective(f, x, history) val (adjValue,adjGrad) = adjust(x,grad,value) IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer.State(x,value,grad,adjValue,adjGrad,0,adjValue,history, convergenceCheck.initialInfo) } protected def calculateObjective(f: DF, x: T, history: History): (Double, T) = { f.calculate(x) } def infiniteIterations(f: DF, state: State): Iterator[State] = { var failedOnce = false val adjustedFun = adjustFunction(f) Iterator.iterate(state) { state => try { val dir = chooseDescentDirection(state, adjustedFun) val stepSize = determineStepSize(state, adjustedFun, dir) logger.info(f"Step Size: $stepSize%.4g") val x = takeStep(state,dir,stepSize) val (value,grad) = calculateObjective(adjustedFun, x, state.history) val (adjValue,adjGrad) = adjust(x,grad,value) val oneOffImprovement = (state.adjustedValue - adjValue)/(state.adjustedValue.abs max adjValue.abs max 1E-6 * state.initialAdjVal.abs) logger.info(f"Val and Grad Norm: $adjValue%.6g (rel: $oneOffImprovement%.3g) ${norm(adjGrad)}%.6g") val history = updateHistory(x,grad,value, adjustedFun, state) val newCInfo = convergenceCheck.update(x, grad, value, state, state.convergenceInfo) failedOnce = false IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer.State(x, value, grad, adjValue, adjGrad, state.iter + 1, state.initialAdjVal, history, newCInfo) } catch { case x: FirstOrderException if !failedOnce => failedOnce = true logger.error("Failure! Resetting history: " + x) state.copy(history = initialHistory(adjustedFun, state.x)) case x: FirstOrderException => logger.error("Failure again! Giving up and returning. Maybe the objective is just poorly behaved?") state.copy(searchFailed = true) } } } def iterations(f: DF, init: T): Iterator[State] = { val adjustedFun = adjustFunction(f) infiniteIterations(f, initialState(adjustedFun, init)).takeUpToWhere{s => convergenceCheck.apply(s, s.convergenceInfo) match { case Some(converged) => logger.info(s"Converged because ${converged.reason}") true case None => false } } } def minimize(f: DF, init: T): T = { //create execution environment val env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment //val test =env.fromElements(init,classTag[T]) var failedOnce = false val adjustedFun = adjustFunction(f) val initialstate = initialState(f, init) val iterativestate= env.fromElements(initialstate).iterate(10000) { iterationInput: DataSet[State] => val result = iterationInput.map { oldstate => computeNextState(adjustedFun, oldstate) } result } val finalweights = iterativestate.map {state => state.x} env.execute() return finalweights.collect().head } def computeNextState(adjustedFun: DF, state: State): State = { val dir = chooseDescentDirection(state, adjustedFun) val stepSize = determineStepSize(state, adjustedFun, dir) logger.info(f"Step Size: $stepSize%.4g") val x = takeStep(state,dir,stepSize) val (value,grad) = calculateObjective(adjustedFun, x, state.history) val (adjValue,adjGrad) = adjust(x,grad,value) val oneOffImprovement = (state.adjustedValue - adjValue)/(state.adjustedValue.abs max adjValue.abs max 1E-6 * state.initialAdjVal.abs) logger.info(f"Val and Grad Norm: $adjValue%.6g (rel: $oneOffImprovement%.3g) ${norm(adjGrad)}%.6g") val history = updateHistory(x,grad,value, adjustedFun, state) val newCInfo = convergenceCheck.update(x, grad, value, state, state.convergenceInfo) //failedOnce = false IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer.State(x, value, grad, adjValue, adjGrad, state.iter + 1, state.initialAdjVal, history, newCInfo) } def minimizeAndReturnState(f: DF, init: T):State = { iterations(f, init).last } } sealed class FirstOrderException(msg: String="") extends RuntimeException(msg) class NaNHistory extends FirstOrderException class StepSizeUnderflow extends FirstOrderException class StepSizeOverflow extends FirstOrderException class LineSearchFailed(gradNorm: Double, dirNorm: Double) extends FirstOrderException("Grad norm: %.4f Dir Norm: %.4f".format(gradNorm, dirNorm)) object IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer { /** * Tracks the information about the optimizer, including the current point, its value, gradient, and then any history. * Also includes information for checking convergence. * * @param x the current point being considered * @param value f(x) * @param grad f.gradientAt(x) * @param adjustedValue f(x) + r(x), where r is any regularization added to the objective. For LBFGS, this is f(x). * @param adjustedGradient f'(x) + r'(x), where r is any regularization added to the objective. For LBFGS, this is f'(x). * @param iter what iteration number we are on. * @param initialAdjVal f(x_0) + r(x_0), used for checking convergence * @param history any information needed by the optimizer to do updates. * @param searchFailed did the line search fail? */ case class State[+T, +ConvergenceInfo, +History] (x: T, value: Double, grad: T, adjustedValue: Double, adjustedGradient: T, iter: Int, initialAdjVal: Double, history: History, convergenceInfo: ConvergenceInfo, searchFailed: Boolean = false) { } trait ConvergenceCheck[T] { type Info def initialInfo: Info def apply(state: State[T, _, _], info: Info):Option[ConvergenceReason] def update(newX: T, newGrad: T, newVal: Double, oldState: State[T, _, _], oldInfo: Info):Info def ||(otherCheck: ConvergenceCheck[T]): ConvergenceCheck[T] = orElse(otherCheck) def orElse(other: ConvergenceCheck[T]):ConvergenceCheck[T] = { SequenceConvergenceCheck(asChecks ++ other.asChecks) } protected def asChecks:IndexedSeq[ConvergenceCheck[T]] = IndexedSeq(this) } object ConvergenceCheck { implicit def fromPartialFunction[T](pf: PartialFunction[State[T, _, _], ConvergenceReason]):ConvergenceCheck[T] = new ConvergenceCheck[T] { override type Info = Unit def update(newX: T, newGrad: T, newVal: Double, oldState: State[T, _, _], oldInfo: Info):Info = oldInfo override def apply(state: State[T, _, _], info: Info): Option[ConvergenceReason] = pf.lift(state) override def initialInfo: Info = () } } case class SequenceConvergenceCheck[T](checks: IndexedSeq[ConvergenceCheck[T]]) extends ConvergenceCheck[T] { type Info = IndexedSeq[ConvergenceCheck[T]#Info] override def initialInfo: IndexedSeq[ConvergenceCheck[T]#Info] = checks.map(_.initialInfo) override def update(newX: T, newGrad: T, newVal: Double, oldState: State[T, _, _], oldInfo: Info): Info = { require(oldInfo.length == checks.length) (checks zip oldInfo).map { case (c, i) => c.update(newX, newGrad, newVal, oldState, i.asInstanceOf[c.Info]) } } override def apply(state: State[T, _, _], info: IndexedSeq[ConvergenceCheck[T]#Info]): Option[ConvergenceReason] = { (checks zip info).iterator.flatMap { case (c, i) => c(state, i.asInstanceOf[c.Info])}.toStream.headOption } } trait ConvergenceReason { def reason: String } case object MaxIterations extends ConvergenceReason { override def reason: String = "max iterations reached" } case object FunctionValuesConverged extends ConvergenceReason { override def reason: String = "function values converged" } case object GradientConverged extends ConvergenceReason { override def reason: String = "gradient converged" } case object SearchFailed extends ConvergenceReason { override def reason: String = "line search failed!" } case object MonitorFunctionNotImproving extends ConvergenceReason { override def reason: String = "monitor function is not improving" } case object ProjectedStepConverged extends ConvergenceReason { override def reason: String = "projected step converged" } def maxIterationsReached[T](maxIter: Int): ConvergenceCheck[T] = ConvergenceCheck.fromPartialFunction { case s: State[_, _, _] if (s.iter >= maxIter && maxIter >= 0) => MaxIterations } def functionValuesConverged[T](tolerance: Double = 1E-9, relative: Boolean = true, historyLength: Int = 10): ConvergenceCheck[T] = { new FunctionValuesConverged[T](tolerance, relative, historyLength) } case class FunctionValuesConverged[T](tolerance: Double, relative: Boolean, historyLength: Int) extends ConvergenceCheck[T] { override type Info = IndexedSeq[Double] override def update(newX: T, newGrad: T, newVal: Double, oldState: State[T, _, _], oldInfo: Info): Info = { (oldInfo :+ newVal).takeRight(historyLength) } override def apply(state: State[T, _, _], info: IndexedSeq[Double]): Option[ConvergenceReason] = { if(info.length >= 2 && (state.adjustedValue - info.max).abs <= tolerance * (if (relative) state.initialAdjVal else 1.0)) { Some(FunctionValuesConverged) } else { None } } override def initialInfo: Info = IndexedSeq(Double.PositiveInfinity) } def gradientConverged[T](tolerance: Double, relative: Boolean = true)(implicit space: NormedModule[T, Double]): ConvergenceCheck[T] = { import space.normImpl ConvergenceCheck.fromPartialFunction[T] { case s: State[T, _, _] if (norm(s.adjustedGradient) <= math.max(tolerance * (if (relative) s.adjustedValue else 1.0), 1E-8)) => GradientConverged } } def searchFailed[T]: ConvergenceCheck[T] = ConvergenceCheck.fromPartialFunction { case s: State[_, _, _] if (s.searchFailed) => SearchFailed } /** * Runs the function, and if it fails to decreased by at least improvementRequirement numFailures times in a row, * then we abort * * @param f * @param numFailures * @param evalFrequency how often we run the evaluation * @tparam T */ def monitorFunctionValues[T](f: T=>Double, numFailures: Int = 5, improvementRequirement: Double = 1E-2, evalFrequency: Int = 10):ConvergenceCheck[T] = new MonitorFunctionValuesCheck(f, numFailures, improvementRequirement, evalFrequency) case class MonitorFunctionValuesCheck[T](f: T=>Double, numFailures: Int, improvementRequirement: Double, evalFrequency: Int) extends ConvergenceCheck[T] with SerializableLogging { case class Info(bestValue: Double, numFailures: Int) override def update(newX: T, newGrad: T, newVal: Double, oldState: State[T, _, _], oldInfo: Info): Info = { if (oldState.iter % evalFrequency == 0) { val newValue = f(newX) if (newValue <= oldInfo.bestValue * (1 - improvementRequirement)) { logger.info(f"External function improved: current ${newValue}%.3f old: ${oldInfo.bestValue}%.3f") Info(numFailures = 0, bestValue = newValue) } else { logger.info(f"External function failed to improve sufficiently! current ${newValue}%.3f old: ${oldInfo.bestValue}%.3f") oldInfo.copy(numFailures = oldInfo.numFailures + 1) } } else { oldInfo } } override def apply(state: State[T, _, _], info: Info): Option[ConvergenceReason] = { if(info.numFailures >= numFailures) { Some(MonitorFunctionNotImproving) } else { None } } override def initialInfo: Info = Info(Double.PositiveInfinity, 0) } def defaultConvergenceCheck[T](maxIter: Int, tolerance: Double, relative: Boolean = true, fvalMemory: Int = 20)(implicit space: NormedModule[T, Double]): ConvergenceCheck[T] = ( maxIterationsReached[T](maxIter) || functionValuesConverged(tolerance, relative, fvalMemory) || gradientConverged[T](tolerance, relative) || searchFailed ) /** * OptParams is a Configuration-compatible case class that can be used to select optimization * routines at runtime. * * Configurations: * 1) useStochastic=false,useL1=false: LBFGS with L2 regularization * 2) useStochastic=false,useL1=true: OWLQN with L1 regularization * 3) useStochastic=true,useL1=false: AdaptiveGradientDescent with L2 regularization * 3) useStochastic=true,useL1=true: AdaptiveGradientDescent with L1 regularization * * @param batchSize size of batches to use if useStochastic and you give a BatchDiffFunction * @param regularization regularization constant to use. * @param alpha rate of change to use, only applies to SGD. * @param maxIterations, how many iterations to do. * @param useL1 if true, use L1 regularization. Otherwise, use L2. * @param tolerance convergence tolerance, looking at both average improvement and the norm of the gradient. * @param useStochastic if false, use LBFGS or OWLQN. If true, use some variant of Stochastic Gradient Descent. */ case class OptParams(batchSize:Int = 512, regularization: Double = 0.0, alpha: Double = 0.5, maxIterations:Int = 1000, useL1: Boolean = false, tolerance:Double = 1E-5, useStochastic: Boolean= false, randomSeed: Int = 0) { private implicit val random = new RandBasis(new ThreadLocalRandomGenerator(new MersenneTwister(randomSeed))) // auskommentiert ???!!! // @deprecated("Use breeze.optimize.minimize(f, init, params) instead.", "0.10") // def minimize[T](f: BatchDiffFunction[T], init: T)(implicit space: MutableFiniteCoordinateField[T, _, Double]): T = { // this.iterations(f, init).last.x // } // // @deprecated("Use breeze.optimize.minimize(f, init, params) instead.", "0.10") // def minimize[T](f: DiffFunction[T], init: T)(implicit space: MutableEnumeratedCoordinateField[T, _, Double]): T = { // this.iterations(f, init).last.x // } // // @deprecated("Use breeze.optimize.iterations(f, init, params) instead.", "0.10") // def iterations[T](f: BatchDiffFunction[T], init: T)(implicit space: MutableFiniteCoordinateField[T, _, Double]): Iterator[IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer[T, BatchDiffFunction[T]]#State] = { // val it = if(useStochastic) { // this.iterations(f.withRandomBatches(batchSize), init)(space) // } else { // iterations(f:DiffFunction[T], init) // } // // it.asInstanceOf[Iterator[IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer[T, BatchDiffFunction[T]]#State]] // } // // @deprecated("Use breeze.optimize.iterations(f, init, params) instead.", "0.10") // def iterations[T](f: StochasticDiffFunction[T], init:T)(implicit space: MutableFiniteCoordinateField[T, _, Double]):Iterator[IterationsFirstOrderMinimizer[T, StochasticDiffFunction[T]]#State] = { // val r = if(useL1) { // new AdaptiveGradientDescent.L1Regularization[T](regularization, eta=alpha, maxIter = maxIterations)(space, random) // } else { // L2 // new AdaptiveGradientDescent.L2Regularization[T](regularization, alpha, maxIterations)(space, random) // } // r.iterations(f,init) // } // // @deprecated("Use breeze.optimize.iterations(f, init, params) instead.", "0.10") // def iterations[T, K](f: DiffFunction[T], init:T)(implicit space: MutableEnumeratedCoordinateField[T, K, Double]): Iterator[LBFGS[T]#State] = { // if(useL1) new OWLQN[K, T](maxIterations, 5, regularization, tolerance)(space).iterations(f,init) // else (new LBFGS[T](maxIterations, 5, tolerance=tolerance)(space)).iterations(DiffFunction.withL2Regularization(f,regularization),init) // } } }