Answered based on my understanding.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 8:12 AM, Prez Cannady <>

> Some background.
> I’m running Flink application on a single machine, instrumented by Spring
> Boot and launched via the Maven Spring Boot plugin. Basically, I’m trying
> to figure out how much I can squeeze out of a single node processing my
> task before committing to a cluster solution.
> Couple of questions.
>    1. I assume the configuration options taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots
>    and parallelism.default pertain to division of work on a single node.
>    Am I correct? You will running with single instance of task manager
>    say if you are running in 4 core machine, you can set the parallelism = 4
>    1. Is there a way to configure these options programmatically instead
>    of the configuration YAML? Or some Maven tooling that can ingest a properly
>    formatted Flink config? For the record, I’m currently trying 
> GlobalConfigeration.getConfiguration.setInteger(“<config
>    option name>”,<config option value>). I am also going to try supplying
>    them as properties in the pom. I’m preparing some tests to see if either of
>    these do as I expect, but thought I’d ask in case I’m heading down a rabbit
>    hole.
>   I have been using GlobalConfiguration with no issues, but here is one
thing you have to aware of, in clustered environment, you will have to copy
over the yaml file in all the nodes, for example I read the file from
/usr/share/flink/conf and I have sure this file is available in master node
and task nodes as well.  Why do you want to injest the config from maven
tool, you can do this main routine in our application code.

>    1.
>    2. I figure task slots is limited to the number of
>    processors/cores/whatever available (and the JVM can get at). Is this
>    accurate?
> Any feedback would be appreciated.
> Prez Cannady
> p: 617 500 3378
> e:
> GH:
> LI:

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